I have to speak in favour of our blonde guest. She is obviously visiting family/friends, is aware of the circumstances of the apartment and is trying to deal with it in the best way she can. I have found her quite entertaining at times, bringing a refreshing level of activity and movement to the apartment together with a bit of teasing.
As far as 'hiding' goes i.e. the shower curtain, I do not have a problem, she is a guest. We have residents of apartments that spend more time hiding than she ever does and they should know better exactly what is expected.
Voyeurism is, for some, not only about nudism and sex but is a window into peoples lives which will include visits by non-participants that have to be accommodated. If we have criticism of this apartment then I believe we need to direct it, not at our blonde visitor but at C&J and A&A, particularly for clarification on the state of their relationship and their current behavior patterns which are so different from a few months ago.
I accept that my views are my own and many of you may not share them and you are entitled to yours. It is not my intention to start a lengthy debate but merely supply a different viewpoint. Keep it up blondie you are a breath of fresh air in the apartment at the moment, thank you for cleaning it throughout today and why not get the 'Twister' game out which could be more entertaining for us than watching everyone on their phone.
Apologies to all for length of post.