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Everything posted by Sparkles

  1. I can't understan why she invites guys to visit her and then she's always on the phone he already have his shirt off
  2. I hope they use the bedroom with all their energy... and you show us the photos ahahah
  3. I guess it's normal... lol If she doesn't see (apparently) the boyfriend for some time... What could we expect?
  4. Probably they went there to be more confortable and have sex there instead in the living room.. and dasha is also there
  5. If it's the same cam i notice they mounted it's a regular cam (the ones we see at chloe & james apartment) but there is a lot of cable over the cabinets and probably it's not fixed to the wall
  6. The bathroom has the same problem of the bedroom ... no free cam there
  7. I'm hoping for a new apartment for them to see if the start fucking outside the bedroom!!!
  8. From the tattoo on the leg i would bet on Dasha
  9. I hope so... unless they stay on the living room :D
  10. Someone must be arriving, after the second round of sex they get the clothes on edit: ahahah forget.. they already remove them
  11. Didn't want to mean that they are hiding from cameras.. but more like there is a place where all go for a break (probably the hall camera gets the spot - looking for the house map)
  12. :( But it's ok Btw there's a blind spot where they go a lot - always get clothes on (so possible some balcony). They went there now
  13. Now seems better .. but it has been with a lot of lagging... stoping for 3-4 seconds
  14. Tks.. i see also drew now that means i will turn the stream at 9 am (their time) to see if something is happening
  15. Did they swap anytime in the past??? or only 'regular'?
  16. Jeka did a good work with the new position of kitchen cam
  17. tottally agree with you... they can add a small pic of a plane (or similar) to who are in vacation... like RLC does
  18. True.. so there are any 'rules' on that matter ahaha it's done like it feels on the day But for me if they are on vacation, the name should still be there
  19. It's normal on vacations to have removed the names from the list? Stan went on 'vacation' and the name is still there
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