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Everything posted by Sparkles

  1. hummm 2 couples arrived with bags!!!
  2. Could it be Storage Room? She get the vacuum cleaner from somewhere, probably from there
  3. Yes, i know "merda" word... In italian it writes the same way like in portuguese
  4. ahaha it seems a 'fake' broke up just to change things at the apartment
  5. There are now two guys at the house (kitchen) ... so one of them must be leo ahaha
  6. It's a miracle... the 3 girls are at the same time at the same place
  7. Not trying to offend the country but... they are russians what do you expect
  8. that's the reason that i always ask chopsticks with elastic at the end
  9. I don't judge her... It's her life and she live it like she wants.. But for me, to view her and enjoy i prefer something like she's having today or even yesterday (don't bother if different guys)... Calling to one guy.. go out in few minutes... call another one (and came two guys that she wasn't confortable at all).. call other (go out in 5 minutes) is not what i expect here at Voyeur House, don't bring me anything new that i can found all over the internet (that's the reason why i didn't ever watch CasaHot for 5 minutes in a row) And maybe she understand (don't know if she reads the forum or Anna has advise her) that wasn't the way... I hope so
  10. When i first saw him .... ohh it's alex, but then saw alex at home
  11. And the dude that is there now can laugh and can make her laugh
  12. why do you have so high expectations?
  13. Misty arrived home with a 'new friend' (she seems to know this one by her behaviour with him)
  14. That cam of first pic should be a little bit lower
  15. Guest had bad luck with cards ahahha she's naked at bed
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