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Everything posted by Sparkles

  1. I think in that yesterday when she invited one, and another (2x) and another... Probably talking with Anna today help her
  2. It's just me or it seems she doesn't want nothing with him???
  3. My favorite part of the house... Nice natural light They are now at the Casting Couch
  4. "Your ratings are awesome... Please continue doing the same" ahahah
  5. She is away.. Went to visit Anna and then both went out, probably shopping or walking
  6. Agree with you on the better quality and angle (the only bad thing is that we don't see movement on the house unless they are seated - But i understand that is also a way to have new subscribers). Until now she didn't do nothing on the couch except some bating.. Let's see if she starts to use more the place Now everytime i change to misty house, i will be hoping to see a new episode of Casting Couch
  7. Free cam has changed. It's the cam on the top of the tv, right in front of the couch
  8. I though in that when the two guys arrived... she could be playing a dangerous game In all the 4 guys of today she doesn't seems to know any of them.. and it's really a big security issue for her.. and she living alone doesn't help in anything And it's what i said yesteday .. i guess she's trying too much to impress that she's getting involved in a complicated situation
  9. Unless he come back... 5 minutes in the house must be a new record i need to learn russian to understand what is happening there lol
  10. Another one just arrived The number four of tonight
  11. Probably... They just got 'visible' on the free cam a few seconds.. and then or at the balcony or immediately to the bedroom
  12. Why do you say that?? I think she get dressed to don't receive the guy immediately naked ahahah
  13. Huummm sometimes i think Anna is more Alex mother than is wife... She is now giving food to him through the spoon like we do to babies. Earlier afternoon i saw the same thing
  14. Humm change to A&A&A house and saw there Alex, Chloe and James plus Anna... Must have arrived now
  15. Another 'friend' that probably will be deleted from the list.. She didn't even get him to the door... She must be using some app like tinder or similar, because i don't think she know this one
  16. Don't think so... Guess it's a new experience for them.. It's the third time (i think) the redhead visit them and thinks get more close from time to time.. at the moment they are confortable being naked the 3 together and having some contacts..
  17. All leaving?? even misty 'friend'???? :\ Misty alone for the night or waiting for another one?
  18. Don't know what existe on the right corner of hall cam... but they (the 3) was doing something hiding from the cam
  19. Probably because of the situation of the compound they had to hurry a little bit this project... (to avoid some kind of complains for closing 3 houses)
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