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Everything posted by Sparkles

  1. 4 girls 1 guy?? The two girls at the carpet (with dark panties) seems really hot
  2. Could be a 'party' tonight to celebrate the pregnancy with all the 3 houses (A&A&A + C&J + M) If so... let's see if Dean is invited ahahah
  3. Don't know maybe she knows that will be a 'bad perfomance' but is trying to have sex all time If he is friend of her, probably he will have other oportunities ahah
  4. I didn't see anything because only have acess to the free cams... But didn't expected too much It goes in the way that i said today... Yesterday night she had sex at least 3-4 times with good cumplicity... she bates today at least 2 times... Unless she have some problem it's suppose (i guess) to rest and not force too much the body. Probably she's trying too much and thinking too much in the viewers.. and is trying to find the first on the list that accept to go to her house even if she doesn't feel very confortable with him just a thought
  5. She's now at home with some friend... The free cam at the LR has NV problems
  6. She could visit A&A again today... Dean and Drew are there waiting for her
  7. Yes... But Dean is just to cover the space between 20:15 and 20:30 ahahah then she may call her friends
  8. Jizas... she had sex today 3-4 times (minimum) already masturbates today 2 times (at least) Go easy on you Misty!!!! ahaha Why is Dean alone at A & A houses only 10 minutes away from Misty if she is needing him ???
  9. They added 3 houses last week.. Did notice anyone complaining for the increase of houses for the same value ... Did they increase the price on that period?
  10. And don't forget that in between Dean, Ashley has some fun with other guy in the LR So probably the 5 must be a big happy family
  11. That's what i suppose... So (except for the fun of the moment) she will always know what happens in the houses (beeing present or not)
  12. Even if they are dressed when she arrives, don't she have acess to the timeline?
  13. Don't understand why... She better then no one knows that Alex only cares about him ahahah
  14. They must be really close because yesterday when someone write something about Anna leaving with some bags... 7 minutes later saw her at misty house... It's a good thing ... some problem and in a few minutes they can solve it or can organize some parties And i think chloe and james takes no longer than 20 minutes max from Anna's House
  15. It was covered... and the way he removes the curtain... or it was on purpose or he didn't notice that there is camera there and just step the curtain aside
  16. Cam3 - Rose doesn't have NV?? Or is the cam covered? When the light was on it was ok
  17. It's a very common thing... believe
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