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Everything posted by Sparkles

  1. No. they was there, 100% sure because was i that grab the photos. And you can see that by the time of all the photos because it wasn't in 1 minute that they will finish injecting the girl .. packed all their bags and leave If they take there much more time i have no idea. But at the time of Bonnie in bedroom of that pic, they was there
  2. When this photo was grabbed the doctors was already there with the girl in the side room . The "detail" of the photo was because she was like nothing was happening
  3. If something will be deleted it's because something serious happened.. the rest it's always depending on VH and the "importance" of the tenants Curious will be to see if the slave still keep being a slave in the place after the situation
  4. For sure i won't post it on forum situations like that.. And it's not for being afraid of judgement, totally shit on that and you know it 😁 .. specially for the victims i believe that moments shouldn't be online With the video it's also subjective because VH can do what they want.. there was examples on the past with that
  5. He can't post it here.. It's against the rules he isn't premium. It's better sent it to you
  6. On first post here after my pics already was off the site
  7. WTF .. This being true just hope VH kicked these people out..
  8. No.. Only saw the moments that i put .. and was because was on previews the red clothes.. But wouldn't surprise me if it happens for what i saw on clyde with the slave Different angle from that 3rd picture, and didn't seems it was in a gentle way.. Probably pissed because they had to call the medics
  9. I think it would be worse her (victim) keeping the money and him (agressor) not Well no interest at all in that part of the situation. Always hope the victim can handle the situation she thinks it's the best for herself as individual
  10. Depends on the fruit... or vegetables 😁 But i don't think her pussy likes so much when she doesn't use a condom on the fruit.. Could cause her some infections
  11. It's impossible to control that. Just imagine more pressure on the victim because the agressor would blame her for make him lose money
  12. They (the victims) always win when they get away of the agressor. The problem is that normally doesn't happen so much as it should for different reasons
  13. I don't think they have others solutions.. Depending on situations (cams, violence, drugs, hiding constantly, bla bla bla) i guess they have this kind of scale. Advertise Fine Fine 2 ..... Fine n Kick out For sure giving the fine money to the victim is liking splitting it 50%-50% . the same way that fining the managers is equal to fine the tenants. And as example of violence that lead to expulsion i do believe that they always ask to the "victim" if she want to continue on the project. Anastasia said yes, Gloria said no
  14. From what i notice nothing.. except the offline period all seems to be there
  15. Coming to say that ... unless it was other stuff
  16. I'm not afraid but i don't post images of violence in the forum. And not being because of that possibility don't even know if cc allows that type of graphics content
  17. Domi boobs also are pretty good, but agree on Leonie.. this afternoon was a real pleasure to watch her 😂❤️
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