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Everything posted by Sparkles

  1. Yesterday was day to serve the three dishes... today she have to play a different carachter, the "shy" one
  2. Yes.. the service was more effective yesterday with the other "guest"... Maybe there is a bonus for talking 😂
  3. There is Anja and then all the others for he to use, so don't think there is a possibility of confusion 😂
  4. 😁 Aren't all the others fucking 3987983279327x a day with everything?? (except sophia of course)
  5. He immediately regretted what he said 😂😂
  6. Was talking about Katty West.. She have visited Polekyla when she was on the other place (but there only as a social visit). But on her portfolio some apartments and gang are "famous"
  7. I said time ago that one should be one of the next to appear.. considering that she frequently shoot porno in mr. shitty apartments and with his porno gang
  8. at 11:15? one of the girls was cutting the nails 😁 about the homo and hetero act simultaneously totally nothing new.. even few days ago the other manager house with lesbians presented the same show.. and also joining to that the +6 places joining everybody with everybody
  9. What exactly? didn't see anything "special" at that minute on that cam
  10. Today didn't saw but she has been a regular visit lately.. alone and with a girl.. As far as i notice was the first time the dude came and they arrive together and surely not "unknown" to each other
  11. When i talked about "crew" was talking about mr. shitty cams tenants. Rejolda for instance did a threesome at apartment realm 75
  12. And surely she have, but wait and see what will appear in her jobs in the future. This crew already shot porno in the actual apartments presents on VH. Last Polekyla production was with a "teammate" from 75..
  13. With more drugs even the cat participates.. it's decadent
  14. If you see how they move and their reactions you see what's going on .. help to remember last visits of Val to Deborah place
  15. They aren't even cause they aren't a couple anymore and he isn't doing anything on her back
  16. If it's for business.. fucking the pimp or another client will have to be the same for donovan
  17. guess you don't see the +6 places, ruth&marry or maddie&jasper place (as examples cause surely others was doing that) I don't like any of that.. It's like putting them on a freak show or chaturbate site..
  18. Tenants that start to fuck or do silly shows on the free cams.. The second version is starting on free cams and suddenly run away to bedroom... realm 2 do that a lot for a long time
  19. Depends on the extras that the boss supplies to her
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