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Everything posted by SPYING 1

  1. It was one hell of a show !!! I was a little bit distracted between the wife, the walking dead, & watching Anna getting "TAG TEAM" Hard to concentrate trying to pay attention to all 3 things at the same time
  2. Wow what a disappointment, i thought Alex & Drew was going to "tag team" Anna.
  3. Ok, I'm watching the walking dead on the tv & watching the 3some on my phone
  4. Sorry the guys were all over her, i should've been able to tell by the skinny legs
  5. That's one H E L L of a body !!! She's smoking hot
  6. What scares me is when I die, the demoncrats will have me voting for them, wonder why the Republicans don't stop the voting fraud of dead people voting
  7. Zoifan hush your mouth !!! We don't need Violet getting pregnant
  8. Sally will have no trouble finding a boyfriend if she wants one
  9. I don't view this house anymore, in fact i refused to view this house, they can go broke for all i care !!
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