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Everything posted by SPYING 1

  1. Joe is a lucky guy to have Edda
  2. Violet is beautiful, i wish she would stop smoking cigarettes
  3. Edda is bobbing for apples on Joe
  4. I'm more of a little titties man, like them to be perky & sticking out
  5. Major if those tits hit you, they would knock you out or if they land on your face they would suffocate you
  6. Haven't you noticed that most everyone on this great earth want to be Free & live in AMERICA ??
  7. I don't hate or want to disarm anybody, but i sleep real good knowing that if the "EVIL TWO LEGGED ANIMALS" try to hurt my family, i have the option to stop him, do you have that option ?? In Europe there has been many gang rapes done by migrants, would you be able to stop that ??
  8. You read wrong information, actually there's over 300 millions guns in AMERICA !! I'm a proud AMERICAN, when seconds count the police is hours away, DON'T want to count the safety of my family on the police or government. Protecting our family is out "GOD GIVEN RIGHTS"
  9. Mika apartment is still offline, i don't think Mika is coming back to this place
  10. This house is buffering, can't see nothing
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