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Everything posted by SPYING 1

  1. This house is buffering, can't see nothing
  2. Ze81 I'm going to miss the cat, cause the cat was the most consistent source of entertainment in that house
  3. So Tim has 3 women on his bed & Tim is playing with his computer
  4. George is putting wear-n-tear on Serena on the DNA couch, i had to stop watching cause I'm at work & don't want the other employees to see me with a hard on
  5. All i can say is I've done crazy shit over pussy, lucky for me i didn't get arrested [Stiff dick has no conscious]
  6. I don't watch this apartment much, my question is does Maria have sex ?? I haven't seen her & grisha have sex ??
  7. What the F U C K happened to Lisa apartment ?? In the living room two guys laying down on the couch together & in the bedroom another guy ?? Where is Lisa !!!
  8. Strange there hasn't been any action in this house this morning
  9. Foamy maybe there's isn't a transmission problem, Paul had Leora cloned or Leora has a twin sister
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