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Everything posted by SPYING 1

  1. George is either gay or dead he should've made his move a long time ago & banged Serena
  2. Looks like George punk out, he walked away & went to the laptop. What a fucking waste
  3. What is wrong with George, he should've been pounding Serena
  4. If Serena was giving me massages like that i would've put a hole on the sofa
  5. I have a feeling it's going to be mole sex under the blankets
  6. Doesn't Joe hear the girls getting off ??
  7. I can't understand it, Joe is in the bedroom not caring, & I'm thousands of miles away looking at the girls & suffering with a fucking raging hard-on
  8. Jabbath it's not the same as seeing it live
  9. Oh man, Amy is missing the pussy licking show
  10. Did i see Nina licking pussy ??
  11. We need to take Joe Man card away from him, no true red blooded man would walk away from 3 naked women
  12. If i would be with 3 naked girls like Joe is right now, my shorts would look like a tent
  13. Phil is looking at the movie Dango Unchained
  14. Lisa has some friends over her place, & Misty is by herself at her apartment laying on the couch bored, why didn't Lisa invite Misty ??
  15. Katie & Lena are fun, & they're not even trying
  16. Amy you deserve to be here, the threads wouldn't be as fun without your post
  17. If only they would move the sofa 6 inches forward I won't have any complaints
  18. Amy the girls from the compound has the door open, guess KATIE & LENA read your post
  19. A cam show alright, but it's a free cam show
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