By "He was already here on the first or second day" Do you mean he was the one who fucked her the first time there? Because this guy does not look like the first guy. The second guy had a tattoo on is right leg.
You are right. Everybody is responsible for his (her) choices. I'm a man and i respect women. Seeing a woman fucking a new guy everyday in these circomtances, it's really sad. I hope that this guy will not fuck her. So perhaps she can learn going forward
I don't know how old she is. She seems to have a lot of experience with men. She knows how to play and fuck. But is she going to do that everyday? If she continues like that, i will no more have respect for her.
I would not be suprised if she's paid way more than the normal salaris for doing this. Am i wrong? Having sex with 5 different guys in 5 days is not a normal thing for a young girl.
I don't know if she can sustain this path. I noticed that when she had sex with the first two guys, she seemed very confortable. Now she really act like a hooker. I'm sorry to use this word. I may be wrong but it's my observation.