From day one i said that Lisa was using Grant for the show. And i still think that. They have grown together of course. But that hasn't changed the feeling i had from the very beginning.
Yes, that's true and that's why she will still be living with L&P next month in a new house. But as long as she will feel no pressure, nothing will happen and i think Lexy&Pete will not push her.
Although, she doesn't want to hurt Grant, when she's under pressure, she doesn't care. We saw it with Suzy and with Chloe and when she cheated with Wilfried.
Yes, looks like she's living under Lexy&Pete umbrella now. Before they came here, Lisa was feeling the pressure to perform. That is why she had sex with Suzy and Chloe.
We haven't seen neither Suzy nor Chloe again and Lisa has gone back to her daily routine. I thought something would happen between her and Lexy but based on the way things are evolving here, it would be a miracle if it happens.
As Lexy and Lisa are starting to play video games, i think we should be worried.
I don't have any problem with them. Anthony wrote on twitter that more will happen in july. We are still in june, maybe we should just wait and see and if nothing happens then we may criticize them.