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Everything posted by pahman

  1. I tried to understand why she would go out and come back with a different underwear. When she was going out with Misty (22.35), she took with her a pair of sandals (on the first pic). When she came back, she put them back in the wardrobe (2:29). In the secong pic, it looks like she washed her hair outside.After putting the sandals back, she went to the living room, took a bath towel out of the bag and put it in the washer (third pic) So maybe she went to the sauna.
  2. Zoifan wrote this yesterday: "Well, Lisa is out tonight. Why? so she can have sex with his favorite guy who is not comfortable doing it on camera :(" Well, maybe he was right Lisa wearing a black underwear when going out with Misty at 22:32 on the first pic and an underwear of a different color when back at 2:09
  3. I'ts sometimes very difficult to understand Lisa's behavior and decisions. She rejected 6-7 guys she invited to finally choose for the wrong one, a guy who cannot even have an erection.
  4. If Lisa has sex tonight with one of them, i guess he will become her sex friend. I don't see none of them being her boyfriend. Otherwise, she will become "Misty light".
  5. Misty had #27 last night. I really hope for her that all the guys she has sex with without any protection are clean
  6. Lisa invites a new guy. Another wasted evening tonight.
  7. Lisa at Misty's place with her laptop. A party tonight?
  8. At nearly 5 am Lisa and Misty have gone out again. Misty left her handbag in the hall at Lisa's place. It means that they will certainly come back together at Lisa's place.
  9. This is the first time i've seen Lisa staying naked so long.
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