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Everything posted by Mira&Henry

  1. no, she did not) she is quite strange girl
  2. in the middle of next week, i think
  3. it was hard to stay cool when i sleeping 2H in previosly night
  4. hahahh!!! I like to clear my floor!!!
  5. in Russia you can be admited in hospital in any time, if you need it
  6. Lights are reducing sexual courage of some humans...
  7. it's for heating apt =) do you remember ice and snow on the loggia?
  8. hahahh!!! For about 7 years ago, she presented me this bear)))))
  9. On the Left side or right?)) Interesting propose))
  10. Do not think so. 8, 12 or 16 cams is possible without exceed of attempted expenciveness. 12 is too much for that apt
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