Hello, Ami !!!
At first I liked the name Amber)))
But now, in 3 weeks, I prefer Mira. This is similar to MirIDA - the curly hair of a girl from the brave movie Disnay))
I think is is so cute))
Love U, Ami!!!
Have a nise day!!!
Dont warry be sexy
upd: sorry for cam in BR
hello! it was long night...
our guests do not afraid or confused by cams, but they have no expirience in swing and girl has some problems with her mood and wishes.we had expectation that party with them must be better, but it wasnt.
we are leave apartments sometimes because all of us are smokers and its will be very hard to breathe if we all together always smoke in apartments. like Silent hill))
Dont warry be sexy!!!
Love M&H
Hi!!! No, I have never been in France(((
I dont know this beautiful language(((
I know how to say in French: I love you ,Mom and Dad ,children and the little prince
dont warry, be sexy
Amy, hi!!!
first I want to apologize for my not so god english
comparison with Amal for me is nice! She is a very beautiful woman. Henry and my best friend Vera said that I look a bit like Amal
thank u Amy!!! Have a nise day!!!
Dont warry, be sexy))
Love, Mira Henry
Hello friends! We are here now.
We are looking at camcaps, endeed)
Furniture will be moved back tomorrow.
We will be happy to call some our friends, but Henry is still sick and have no many energy (or power?) for great sex-party =(
We are hope that we will have many very hot parties soon, stay with us;)
sorry for our not perfect english