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Everything posted by Flaskbulle

  1. I don't think they will lock up the Leora-cam. It's the entry to the RLC-world. If they don't have a sexually active couple there and a girl like Leora that lets us look at and enjoy her beautiful body every now and then, it wouldn't be that interesting to sign up for the paid cameras. You need to get people hooked to the site, and with Leora in a locked apartement, this would be quite a boring site. I found this mRLC site like a year ago, but nothing ever happened so I lost intrest. By a mere chanse I folowed a link here again and stumbled uppon a steaming thursday sex adventure with Leora and her mate. Now I'm totally hooked!
  2. I guess hie is wondering if any of us gets paid, I don't.
  3. A few weeks ago he seemed to make an antenna or something like that. He had these wires across the living room and also in the kitchen. I don't know, but perhaps he is trying to pick up a TV-station.
  4. True! And she is still a hottie and without her, rlc would be much duller.
  5. I've been married for more than 15 years and I still get quite aroused when she's nude. I would never, like Mr. Paul, concentrate on those contraptions he always tends to. Nor stare at the computer while she's spreading legs in the sofa as yesterday.
  6. In my opinion there is no one who is walking around in the nude as much as Lovely Leora. It's actually fascinating how Mr Paul can manage to concentrate on his electronics when that beautiful creature is sitting beside him totally nude.
  7. Please tell me someone is recording! Today has been a very nude day on here own. :D
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