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Everything posted by Flaskbulle

  1. I'm such an arse, had a bette picture with Julia riding a suprisingly enduring Paul. But I over wrote it with this, hij jerking off over her while a disturbed dog is watching. The episode was like this. Julia horny, Paul sists in sofa. Dog is all over the place. Julia takes out Pauls dick, rides it. The manage to take her undies off, throws them on the floor, dog loves the smell och mating juices, tries to eat them up. While she is on here knees the dog gets even more excited, fetches toilet paper roll and shreds it, fetches toilet cleaning brush, dog tries even to get in between julia and paul whilest he is comming all over her chest. What ever you do, Don't you ever get a pet!!! (The Image associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed).
  2. Some one told me the worlds most beautiful woman has her birthday today, if so, then all the best congratulations to you lovely Yulia!!!
  3. Today it's still no dawn in the appartment and its 06:15 local time, sun should be up since one hour. in the appartment of alina and anton its broad daylight... I dont get it.
  4. This is bad news! she will pet the dog instead of Paul, probably a bit less nudity now. BTW they don't fight anymore?
  5. RLC might be able to block certain sites, but there is a lot of ways round it. TOR gets past the routers, VPN does and something they cant control is what the occupants does on their phones. So trying to block CamCaps from the appartments isn't even worth the effort. If Yulia want's to speak wiht us, she will. And mr "Paul" he for sure knows how to get through if he wants.
  6. I have a great respect for you young people who live in these apartments. As for what I know, it's hard to get a job in any country, even so in Russia. If you are "Paul" ocr Yulia, don't take any notice of those ignorant bastards that insults you for not working or about you having sex or being naked. We who find this project intresting has nothing to say about how you choose to live your lifes. If our lives are so empty and meaningless that we spend time watching you live yours, well, I'd say we all are inferior to you. So keep your spirit up, be happy and please don't listen to the haters. All the rest of us just love you. Especially you Paul and Yulia!
  7. The stick is getting some attitude... Its's an impressive stick now! (The Image Content is No Longer Accessible and has been Removed)
  8. Oh, sorry, I forgot, he gets dressed and goes back to the computer... Leora still unpleased...
  9. Yeah, she figured she hadn't cried, yelled and stormed out the door in a few weeks so she wanted to fulfill her monthly quota. I am new to RLC, is this an usual routine? :o Well, the usual routine is they start fighting yelling maby hitting eachother. One of them leaves for a while, then, when the one gets home, Leora ends up in the sofa naked, Paul takes his very long time, she gets horny and then for a short moment they fuck until he gets off. Usually leaving her unsatisfyed... That's the normal routine.
  10. You could have saved yourself the embarrassment and not come charging in like you know it all. We were guessing it's purpose, the antenna I described are not just used for radio but multi purpose. Directional antennae are used also for picking up Television broadcasts. Shortwave antenna do not necessarily have to be a loop, they can be as simple as a single wire suspended between two objects. This is the actual device he is trying to construct: Early this winter when Paul wasn't building a stick, back in those days he just settled for such a wire. I think we all remember that old lien he had hanging cross the livingroom. If I understood things straight, Russia is quite a large country. There might be radiostations that are really hard to tune in to, perhaps he grew up in another part of the country and just wants to listen to sports from home... But an antenna for radio purpouses, no doubt!
  11. I still think it's an antenna, och something to pick up a signal, from the size of it, id say its for regular radio, but I'm not a profesional.
  12. Looks like a coaxial cable, is he making an antenna?
  13. In a very slow process he has managed to make a skinny crucifix... Religious and handy? Like the carpenter Jesus him self?
  14. It is not a bad thing to be a bit humble. The guys who upload so we can enjoy Leora should have all the cred, regardless of which server they choose. If you don't like uploaded or any other site, well, just dont download from them then. Wherever you put the goodies I love your work guys!
  15. It's something I also have been wondering about. When you look at when it gets light or dark outside, well Krasniyarsk is absolutley possible. But, taoday it's suposed to be -26 ºC or -15 ºF, and they have the window open for really long time. I don't get it, or the RLC-team pays extra to make the appartements really hot so the people more willingly will take their clotes off.
  16. The guys who makes an effort to record, upload and all other work that's needed to provide us other with material can of course choose any filehost they like. If they get some profit from the host-site for putting the files there, well then they are certainly worthy of that. I don't think it's really appropriate to complain about it, but of course we can suggest other sites...
  17. I agree with you! I find it hard to imagine me sitting by a computer with that lovely creature lying naked and horny on a sofa, and still be able to concentrate on my coputer. In that regard, Paul is a super-human!
  18. Sorry if this is a bad thread, but I've searched all over. Is there anyone who has managed to view RLC on an apple-device like an Ipad? And if so, HOW?
  19. As the days grew shorter I tried to figure out where this appartment was situated. And by checking times for sunset and daw and comparing to what was visible on cams I calculated that some where in the +8h region quite close to Mongolia. And when I later in one thread read that Krasnoyarsk should be the place, well that does sound reasonable.
  20. Regarding the fights... I guess it's quite hard living in an appartment with an 24h audience. I guess the surveilance part is a big issue in their fights. Leora may hear things at work about her privatelife. Probably that's why she often is the one crying. Paul don't seem to get the same amount of "outside preassure" maby because he has no job.
  21. I probably won't sign up. There is a risk the only guys left will be the hardcore voyeurs. But me for example most likely will settle for all the clips that ends up in various sites. Still, the only thing that gets me going is Leora...
  22. Just want to join the Hurrays for Kaplan and his uploads. These clips that is loaded directly from camcaps is the most convinient ones. If you still want to put together al longer clip, well then join them together. There are a lot of video joining programmes. This one is one example, haent tried it my self, but a good friend recomended it to me. http://www.freevideojoiner.com/
  23. Where I live (Swedwn) the tradition says it's supposed to be up for 20 days after the 24:th That's tomorrow...
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