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Everything posted by Flaskbulle

  1. There is a lot of evidence that points to Krasnoyarsk in Russia. The old apartment got some what located from the name of a pizza box. This new one is most likely in the same town facing south (-ish).
  2. Agree, as long as people tries to write in english all mistakes are forgiven. We all remember when turkish, french, german and spanish was frequent in this forum... So hats of for all of you struggling with translating into english =)
  3. She is a girl of many talents! Perhaps we should tell Leora that her shirt creates interference patterns that makes us sea sick.
  4. Took me 2 hrs to upload, Mega is usaly a bit faster. Was even thinking of puting a torrent up on tpb... The nice editing... no I wouldn't agree, just pasting various episodes in to one. Edited out a lot of empty couch and empty hallway. This oCam is really a easy to use recorder and moviemaker to paste it all together.
  5. Enjoy (The Video link is no longer accessible and has been removed).
  6. Do yourself a favor and get some screen recording software. I'm pretty sure that you will like the result much better than a camera phone. I'm sure that it will be better however I am new to this and have no idea which software to buy. Shoot me some suggestions and I will look into it. Good looking out. I recommend oCam, I'm not a computer technician, quite frankly im not good at computers at all, but this freeware was really easy to use. Costs nothing, installed on my computer with no issues at all. http://ohsoft.net/en/products.php
  7. Sorry for late posting, but I was certain some one would hav the whole clip with the sexy part in the bedroom included, but since there hasn't been any posting about this... well here you go L&P_2015_02_22_17_03_44_772.mp4 29.2 MB (The Video link is no longer accessible and has been removed).
  8. Subscription or not, we can all be helped by someone who happened to be at the screen when there was some action. I guess you find it irritating that some of us asks for help. But there is no need to call us names. I'm quite sure you too enjoy watching all the clips and pics the users post here. I guess most of us take this daily cc tour to check if there is by any chans a new vid/pic post. If noone ever posted any of that, this site would probably die.
  9. I never had a video it. Just the pics that I got from another site. If you Google "reallifecam vk " there is a couple of people that share their private pages to get videos and pics. I was getting in the backdoor of RLC to get the videos in the unlocked rooms but they somehow changed that link so I am not able to get in at the moment until I find that backdoor link. But if you go to that VK site just don't click the links that say RLC Free Premium Account unless you want to get your computer full of virus's and Malware. The old saying is "There is no such thing as a free lunch." Well, thast not always true... Mr stonecold got a lucky way in for free, didnt he =)
  10. It does not work in incognito-mode with Chrome or Firefox. With IE nothing ever works.... Maybe that is the issue. Incognito was th issue, thanks! I allso realiced it's a good idea to view theese threads before i post any videos from a crappy angle... there was some a little better ones up already, well sorry for that =)
  11. What am I doing wrong here? I'm trying to get those Mega-movies downloaded, but I allways ges a notice that the download failed. I don't get it... Mega is a fast one though.
  12. I'll try to post my first video. It's not much, just Julia with her playfull fingers next to a very un intrestind boy, picking his nose. But after a while he notices her mood and of they go =) (The Video link is no longer accessible and has been removed). let me know if it works...
  13. Maintenant elle se touche suivant Paul a la canapé. Right now she is touching her self next to Paul on the sofa.
  14. I agree!!! In theese dicussions people often refers to how many people speak a language as their native toung. Well, then probably chinese, arabic and so on are the largest languages. But that's not the only way to view this. It's much more intresting to look for how big portion of the worlds population that understands a language. And then English is a major language. Some people feels a bit uneven when their language isn't a world language. But they should instead feel happy about it. There is a strong indication that the more languages you speak the more functional your brain gets. People that masters several languages does get smarter. It's not like only smart people can manage other languages, you do get smarter by learning an extra language. So please let the English talking people have it their way and use their language in international contacts, then all of us other get a bit smarter and they feel happy, it's a win win =) Since this is a international board it is not very polite to use other languages, at least thats my oppinion.
  15. I heard three girls talking, one of them had experienced a curved dick, she said it was a bit more stimulating inside the vagina. Maby he is the superhero and all of us hanging here drewling over his girlfriend are the real loosers =) Anyway, I don't mind watching her finishing on her own=)
  16. RLC doesn't want their content recorded. Once a CC user posts a video, a RLC admin person then requests whoever the file share company is to remove due to copyright laws. Usually a vid will stay up a day or two then the link dies. Sometimes it doesn't even make 2 hours and it's gone. Seems like RLC is as diligent as the MPAA. Don't know why they have a hard on for getting pictures and videos removed. I would say it's free advertising and would get them more members instead of declining membership. In Canada we can copy and reproduce materials without infringing on the copywrite but if you sell the images and videos for a profit then the law has to step in and take appropriate measures. So if I start up my own server and provide the world with RLC content, as long as I don't sell their content for profit they can't make me remove it. The MPAA has already tryed to get that changed in Canada and the courts have stuck them down. I agree with you, it was clips of leora that got me stuck in this corner of the web. they shuld at least put some hot clips up for the public, so people knew whats going on in theese appartements.
  17. Probably nothing but a bad placing of a camera. It sits quite high next to the shelf where they hang their jackets. I don't think this is the last time it gets coverd by some sort of clothing.
  18. Really good!!! =) thx!! Those 4 black ovals, are they a masking of that "Video has an additional hidden watermark with user ID. Recording, distribution or publication are strictly prohibited" that RLC threatens about? She looks almost as she does this only to please RLC...
  19. I sure agree that they do have late habits. I also doubted the timezone. But if you check what time the appartment gets dark, when the sun sets, and then compare that with sites like http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/sunrise.html then you see that it matches the city of Krasnoyarsk. Easiest time to do this check is in mid winter (december 20) and mid summer (June 20)
  20. Nope, my pic and mostly all others are from us here on CC. They will allways end up in other parts of the web, that's how the internet works... Had I only been a slightly more skilled computer voyeur there had been even more pics here, sorry to say I'm not so good att mixing computing abilities and the arrousal dear Julia gives me. Fellow Paul is a enduring stud compared to me...
  21. Fläskbulle, why do you call Leora Julia? Do you think that is her original name, or do you Swedes like that name better? As said above, her name is Julia. btw my name isn't Fläskbulle, it's flaskbulle more like flask you know bottle and bulle, a transision of bull, the cows husband... =)
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