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Johnny 5

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Everything posted by Johnny 5

  1. I'm gonna get a visa to krasnayorsk and find me a Leora, there has to be many if even Paul can get one
  2. Well she came so no sneaky wonderful anal for me this night either.. 🤨
  3. I didn't think you needed visa, doesn't that mean we don't have much time left with Leora either??
  4. NO! She's just gonna do it with Paul.. but.. if we were gonna have a cozy movie time in the couch, she could lay on one couch and me on the other and our heads meeting in the corner on a pile of pillows, that way I could have my arm behind my head and pet her head and touch her hair.. or I would fold the couch Paul is laying on so it was next to the other one so we had a cozy couch castle.. I'M NOT GIVING ANYMORE AWAY!
  5. Hey Leora, quit stealing my moves! this was suppose to be OUR thing! 😑 eh, you're doing it wrong anyway..
  6. someone said it was a failure, people didn't wan't to wait three years to get their phone back 😂
  7. I really hope you're right, I believe he will try tho, probably smart enough to get that Leora will get tired of sending him her money just so he can sit and solder together another amateur radio for three years, it would take me one day to make that thing 🤣
  8. I think it's even sexier when she sucks and licks her dildos
  9. One time a tranny tried to have sex with me and said that he was on his period.. he tried to trick me to have anal sex with him, but I could tell it was a dude.. but what I'm trying to say is that I would love to have sex with Leora right now😉
  10. They ARE huge, all her bating has released alot of female hormones that has given her lovely lady shapes, that's my very unscientific theory atleast 😂
  11. They are dumb as a rock, unless people tell them what to do with code
  12. mmmmmmmmmm sweetheart, you're so damn cute!!! It really doesn't take much at this point🍆🍆🍆
  13. What, are you still in 2019?? Looooser 🤣 Happy new year to you to jugghead I just had two wet Leora dreams in a row 🥰 oh well, back to sleep 😴
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