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Johnny 5

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Everything posted by Johnny 5

  1. I will not agree to disagree.. I will only disagree πŸ™‚
  2. I think she would have allready done it if it wasn't for aunty, I think it might be over today so maybe tonight, or else I go on strike πŸ™‚ STRIKE STRIKE STRIKE STRIKE
  3. To think that that is what any of us are saying is allso ludicrous πŸ™‚ Her bates are ten minutes, and she's up for hours after he has fallen asleep
  4. Now it's alot of tiny pzzas, just kidding it's pirogi
  5. Care to elaborate on why that would be laughable or hard to believe I'm being serious? Would be pretty retarded if he took an exam to become a translator if there is no need for translators, I would guess there is such a shortage that the qualification is very low, since they are one of those countries like France and Germany that dub everything and even have their own computer keyboards. No English allowed πŸ™‚ Translation Russian English Jobs | Upwork WWW.UPWORK.COM Find jobs in Translation Russian English and land a remote Translation Russian English freelance contract today. See detailed job requirements...
  6. Maybe, but I'm just sincerely curious what about him is so damn smart? it still feels like Paul falls under that last category.. πŸ™‚ I would argue that it's probably alot easier for Paul to pass those exams in Russia, since there's probably a huge shortage of interpreters. I failed english in school with the exact same english i'm using here, there's a difference in expected knowledge I would guess.
  7. Most guys in my country and many other countries are in the military, you have to be extremely mentally or physically weak to not be obligated to be in it.. I allso speak English pretty fluently.. what do you mean by "qualified"? He's not working as such so I guess you mean unqualified.. I guess I'm allso a qualified electronic engineer, programmer, photographer, graphic designer, videographer, video editor, musician, artist, writer, video game developer.. etc. If you're into electronics and understand it you don't change phone displays and build a tiny little shortwave radio for years, my dad had a ham radio cabin as a kid with a 6 meter radio tower outside that he built himslef, that was when he was a kid, with no education and no internet.. at the end of his life he was building and managing servers for broadband companies, only got to be 46, RIP
  8. when she's happy and with Paul she rewards Paul when she's happy and alone she rewards us
  9. Goodmorning, oh she went to bed like an hour ago, that's just great May I ask why Leora and many others call Paul smart or intelligent? If he had an education in aerospace engineering or something I would think he would have a job, so what do you base it on? Do you and Leora think he looks smart when he's soldering on some circuits? What have I missed?? He seems as smart as a caveman to me..
  10. I'm starting to recognize my sweetheart πŸ˜‰ I miss you so much
  11. I want to squeeze your sexy warm juicy round ass πŸ‘
  12. I tried to do a prayer to God for rain, I'm not sure I did it right tho.
  13. Why would he be upset by that? He knows very well that that's how she makes money.. for him.. not really in a position to say anything. she has allready masturbated with auntie.. once again your post is just manipulation and translates to "Leora don't masturbate, paul will be really upset and if you do you're stupid" and the only reason is because YOU get turned of by auntie.
  14. yeah, you don't need any of brauls shallow or sexual reasons to love someone
  15. Leora looking sexy and paul asleep, now's our window of opportunity my sweetie πŸ§‘πŸ˜‰
  16. You look very cute my eternal love πŸ˜™πŸ˜™πŸ§‘πŸ˜‰
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