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Johnny 5

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Everything posted by Johnny 5

  1. I want to see her piledriver yoga pose in the corner of the couch 🥰
  2. I love the new bathroom cam so much!! My dream bate would be if she put her leg up on the drawer like she does when she washes her vagina and butt, but with her butt angled towards and as close as possible to the cam, similar to what she use to do in Russia.. WOW🍆🥰 It would be as if we cheated in the bathroom 🥰 the new cam in guest, bath and livingroom has not resulted in any closer views than before yet, to appear close to a fisheye lens you have to be EXTREMELY CLOSE. This isn't even a proper fisheye like Leoras, but still, the cam is less than two arms away, if he held it just in his hand he could still easily get all four people in frame.. so to get one person in frame we need only 1/4th of an arm. to get only one persons face or lets say a butt in frame 😜 it would need to be ten times closer, as you can tell the blue helmet could easily fit ten times horisontaly across the frame. but Leora is usually even further away than the dudes in the picture.
  3. Leora allways wake up when I start to get tired 🙂 fortunately I have the endurance of a buddhist monk
  4. sexy girl is just raul pretending to be a sexy girl, and raul is sleeping 🙂
  5. I'm just pretending to sleep.. you dirty commies 😈 🔪
  6. This dirty commie only has eyes for Paul.. I'm going to sleep.. goodnight
  7. yup, 2400 gorbatchovs, I wonder how much that is in benjamin franklins?
  8. It was that russian guy, he said she gave him 2000 ruski moneys, and then she got pissed when he wanted something else for another 400 ruskis 🙂
  9. Confused? He looked like a kid with down syndrome getting molested
  10. I'm so ready to cum in your ass sweetheart.. excuse my language
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