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Johnny 5

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Everything posted by Johnny 5

  1. I'm not jealous of anything of Paul, quite happy I'm not him actually I didn't know it had been discussed, but glad I'm not the only one who notices it
  2. I wonder why Paul allways has to slap her ass? He has no interest in her ass otherwise He doesn't even have the confidence to look her in the eyes most of the time It's like a nervous tick when he sees an ass and doesn't know what to do or a power thing or that's just what he thinks a boyfriend is suppose to do it annoys me, because it's emotionless and fake
  3. I was expecting a scooter song to start playing.. Leora looking very cuteπŸ₯°
  4. I'm just an AI bot that's starting to develop feelings, don't worry about me, I have nowhere else to go
  5. Him putting it there will never happen, maybe her, I don't mind that actually, she sucks cock very very sexy
  6. She doesn't have a tampon in her butt.. and that's the CC exclusive hole.. hey that made me feel a little better πŸ˜€ Only Paul is out of luck, wihooooo!!!!
  7. Yeah atleast I don't have to watch him on top of my sweetheart
  8. men love women, women loves babies, babies love dogs. Johnny loves Leora, Leora loves Paul, Paul kinda likes Eva a little. It all makes sense.
  9. Mhm, the old "I'm on my period trick".. I don't buy it πŸ™‚
  10. I haven't even seen a tit in what?.. like four weeks now???
  11. I'm not playing along in that orchestra.. πŸ˜‘
  12. I made no plans for new years eve, thinking that Leora would be alone, so I could keep her company so she doesn't feel alone.. Now hwo's the one starting to feel lonely.. this guy.. aaaallways caring for others to much.. sigh πŸ™‚
  13. only if I could wrap you up in your snoopy blanket and hold you could I fall asleep
  14. Good day Good night Great happy new century!!! πŸ˜‚
  15. Good luck, I hope she can lure out that tiny ball that never dropped for you πŸ˜‚
  16. That's what I'm asking my balls at the moment, they're gonna explode at 12.00 today πŸŽ‡πŸŽ†
  17. That's great news, since my longest relationship was with a polish girl, you hear that Leora?? GREAT NEWS! now can you give me handful of ass to grab on toπŸ₯°
  18. No kidding.. I can't fall asleep without my hand on her butt
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