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Everything posted by mspanker

  1. yes..but also grabbed some stuff out of a drawer in her room, went downstairs, got what appeared to be foil? , back up but disappeared in the cleaning room? somewhere near the mop and bucket off 3/18 cam unless she jumped in the lift. she was in the alcove to the right of the hall cam 1.7 earlier. The lounge door was open and could see her there. Another cleaning area. Justsayin ..seemed to perk up a bit after. #stalkerofholly
  2. Just watching Alek and the balloon swallowing i think i have found my next ex wife
  3. The terrace is the new garage for smoke breaks..but will it remain Edit in just seen them all pile in the mystery room then out again. Bet it gets some use tonight
  4. Think she is holding a lot of frustration in but when she finally blows watch out.
  5. Your right, can see Martina ironing something white now which is a good sign, the small priestess is looking less "virgin white" though maybe just going as is? Still time i agree but cannot see anything in the room ready
  6. No, only the locals, unless they have a pre-made costume but i have not seen anyone even trying anything on. Perhaps nobody else coming which is a bit sad as i think its better when the others are there.
  7. ok for me, had a few times i clicked post and it went page cannot be displayyed but otherwise fine
  8. lost something important with how they are ripping the bedroom apart
  9. Think L might be asking Z WTF!!! Not happy..Dont need to speak the language to understand this rant
  10. Probably thought would come home to a nice clean unit with a well stocked fridge and a BF waiting for her having run a nice bath...and an unwelcome guest packed and done one... Oh well
  11. Need to get Ariana over to cleanse it before they start , but i will say a little prayer as well see if it helps. Not seen them drink vodka, is it difficult to get over there or just £££? Wine and beer with a smoke break might help also
  12. Alek looks like shes getting some dress/sheet ready as well so must of got an invite Wonder who she has her eye on this time 🙈🙉🙊
  13. Those front leg stretches....WoW...possibly beaten by the back handstand...or the splits....blimey shes fit
  14. Hello..movement, the smell of Lunas noodles must of got under the door..
  15. Fridge Raider must be staving by now i guess the fridge is empty?
  16. Dont think Alek got the memo.. all in black doing a show. Looks good though
  17. Nelly also has some white sheet on the bed, might be getting something ready
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