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Everything posted by mspanker

  1. looks like your right, hard to see but some packets on the table, its an acquired taste so i can see why not everyone wants it.
  2. They talk quite a bit, not sure i heard her with him as its usually in English (sort of) Yeah he could of got something done, even contacted Bogdan or Nelly, i would of thought they would of sorted it. maybe hes working or something. Or just not the romantic type? Shame as it would give her buzz and probably remove some doubts that creep in.
  3. Think Gina would beat him first, i reckon she has a temper and probably not be best pleased. Sharp objects would need to be removed from the area. Also he would be then not welcome and that isn't in his best interests Still it would be nice to see Megs fella turn up. Give the Vibrator the night off
  4. i dont know tbh i wasnt a member at the time just what i read. I have seen a video of his missus with another woman, masha? No idea of the timeline
  5. Maybe he read on a forum his missus was cheating on him with another woman?.....will get my coat...
  6. Gave me a chuckle that , nice one. Maybe just asked him to fuck off hes bringing a downer on the place?
  7. So lets pray he gets drunk, gets off with someone who is not Gina, prob not Holly with past history..Gina catches him....I reckon that would end in tears.. Any better script ideas? Oh and zomie playing in the background..quite apt
  8. Whats the liquor bottle on the table? Looks like it might get interesting after all.
  9. Dont see anyone with some wasabi , Sushi not my thing but i thought that was a given
  10. Bastards now blocking the camera ....must be home time..does anyone have the shop a person breaking curfew in Barcelona number? Edit hes shifted Gina..so forgiven..
  11. Borrow Curlys, i doubt anything would stain that thing! i would get it deep cleaned first, just to be safe as the drug dogs might show an interest in it during transit.
  12. Must be me my search showed it as a thrift shop and like $5 so guessing that aint the same place
  13. Yeah on the laptop, saw the motion come on , thought maybe just wind or door movement but hes sitting in the dark
  14. Moving on..anyone noticed that Bogdan is actually back and in the Living room.
  15. Shes filled out compared to an old video of her in a shower that got posted recently. Still fine but as you say shes following the wrong goal
  16. From an old TV program, its what you call a nodad....as in no dad dont make me wear this...
  17. I am! My life sucks compared to his. Bet he isnt up 5am scraping ice off the motor to go do a job. Banging hot girls, basically living rent free for half the week. I am learning Russian/Spanish as i type. No idea where to get that jacket from, it could be the deal breaker. If i see him drop his laundry off i will track the bastard down myself!!
  18. Has anyone logged Curlys days/nights in the villa, i bet its higher that quite a few "paid" girls
  19. She did the swinging balls with A and H, not too good. Then the pole dance/stripper chair bit and that just didn't work, shes not got the build or flexibility of the other two. Cookin and fuk....good enough for me TBH
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