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Everything posted by mspanker

  1. I agree, it looked like she didnt "click" and seemed to be not invited or shunned. Sometimes she popped to the kitchen and M and H went quiet, not really including her so she either sat outside or went back to her room. The action with Gina was good, Gina looked like it was a mistake and cut her dead but the they went again and all seems good. Nice that shes been included and went out today with them, although back alone.
  2. The other day on the bed they were stroking each other and Megan drew the lips on Holly it looked like a goer but maybe not enough "happy juice" inside them. Then Holly went back to her room and played with herself and Megan went solo. Hoping its still gonna happen but Holly V Alek will be ok as well🤗
  3. So if both L and Z are out does the fridge raider have a key or will she abseil down from the roof and in over the balcony? Should be working but this is far more interesting than that.
  4. She could just ask...instead of just lying there with a face like a slapped arse. Didn't lift a finger to help clean, a simple could i help you with that etc would go a long way. Hi Luna i am making a drink would you like one. Probably too late now plus who knows what went on before they joined, could be history/bad blood..
  5. Shes in the fridge again....need another food run soon.
  6. Fruit bowls, plastic ducks and face masks, quite the party going on. Holly looking under the weather, been sneezing and got a coffee/tea and water with a pack of mack cough sweets. Not quite the alcohol fueled orgy
  7. Megan,Gina,Alek and Nelly, hes in the fitness room Holly on the bed, doesnt look in a party mood, a bit down watching tv Edit hes in the kitchen
  8. She cannot, now in the toilet creating space most likely
  9. The good thing is if she attacked you with a knife you could chuck food at her and she would stop and make sandwiches.
  10. I wonder if there are any all you can eat buffet type places local? You could just drop her off and collect her in a few hours when they have to refill the containers.
  11. No, drawn on by Megan last night, had Holly written as well but its rubbed off. a little love heart on her thigh as well
  12. Still there as of now, shes in bedroom, others in lounge
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