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Everything posted by mspanker

  1. She slept with it the beginning , might be a bit sweaty now 😁 Be funny to see them leaving one day shopping and next to the bins outside theirs the pillow Meeow
  2. Maybe Holly is doing her a second pillow..with Get Fucked on it this time
  3. I thought the blue Bluetooth speaker in the kitchen was Hollys as it looks like the one normally in her room. I cannot see one in her room and she had that on all the time. Must be gutted if its been reclaimed.. Strike back for Meg if it is..Putting her little foot down 😍 Started out funny but its just sad now. Edit must be Nellys or a new one ..but the blue one is i Megs room on that centre stand so either way H has lost it.
  4. Holly wont i would of thought due to her relationship with Bruno. Would be funny for Meg to lock her door, or the bathroom or balcony 😁
  5. Seems to be about the same time. One party for Gina and even the daft shows have stopped. It was spoken she wasn't invited but more turned up, and then due to other reasons she is still there. Her mate Nelly doesn't seem to want anything to do with her, so shes buddies up with Holly who seems to think this was a good move and distanced herself from Meg for what ever reason, personal/orders..who knows....Meg has been "adopted" by B and N and are together now all the time. Meg escaped to Gina place which she then stayed as she took no clothes and borrowed stuff so it wasn't a planned stay more a break by the looks. H and M spent a good hour down the bottom of the garden yesterday, came back and then went to the bolt hole on the cam 3.17. Dont want to be heard can go to the terrace so this was dont want to be seen. Fine not prisoners but then go out the front door for a walk, to me that's a piss take So when M finally fucks off the fight will be over Viv otherwise there will be a lot of silence in the kitchen when two of six wont talk to each other, one leaves and the others a couple so it will be 2/3 not talking. Will they move someone into the empty room (Mashas) or move Viv to another place? Still 10 days until the plane icon goes... Still must be due a card/darts night soon...
  6. Seems in place until Masha fucks off. Viv will be the one who gets the pick of the litter and Meg has already welcomed her into her fold.
  7. Its up there with the Belgium beers, gives Leffe and Duvel a good run for the money.
  8. Just tried talking to Masha, she gave him a look that said piss off!
  9. Not sure if this is ok or not to add here ....... but beer time I have become a fan of this one. Can get it in UK supermarkets from time to time. From its Wiki page La Goudale is a bière de garde which was originally brewed in Douai (northern France) by Les Brasseurs de Gayant. The brewery has since moved to Arques. Its name derives from "good ale", the name given to local ales in the 14th century.[1] It is a highly fermented beer of 7.2%. It consists of three Flemish hop varieties, two malt varieties (pale and caramel), two other cereals (wheat and rice) and spices (coriander and bitter orange peels). As the brewery now also makes beers which were inherited as a result of mergers, in the section products there will be beers which were not traditionally made by Goudale
  10. Carlos should practice holding his breath underwater..start at 10mins and if he lives goto 15....
  11. Bit of luck it will be darts, a nice romantic movie with hot chocolate drinks to help sleep. said nobody ever! The local booze shop owner must be wondering whats happened as his stock levels are going up not down
  12. Pams escaping, fair play to her. Edit.. Radi has played her get out of jail card and on her way as well..slipped out and getting changed in the toilet, guess she has to hang on as she came with C and C
  13. How a place looses its fun in a few short weeks..Need Gina to the Villa Stat!! Its like a family Barbecue and just as boring...Ok it real life....dont care i have a real life, it sucks! i see Gina is busy being pumped full of baby batter at the moment..will let her off
  14. Ma, Pa and their adopted daughter having a family meal in the kitchen.
  15. Master-chef Ukraine lookout...Specialty ..black cat with octopus sushi.....A Barcelona special yummy...
  16. Needs to put a plastic sheet down first for those "little" accidents 😉
  17. And Pam who when moved to B4 barely appeared and hardly returned to overnight but now in B1 has spent longer in B4.. Still my cooking with Meg skills are coming along..
  18. And that happened weeks ago as well, last one standing turn of the lights...
  19. yeah that was it. cheeky thing not sure its popular with the residents.
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