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Everything posted by mspanker

  1. Changed, put stuff in a bag and gone again. looked like enough for an overnight
  2. prob colder where SC is than where i am..but i will take the cash alternative 😉
  3. no dont think so as she speaks english to him and didnt appear to chat. The LR bate the phone wasnt visible that i could see. Only at the start for maybe a moment but after that not propped up like normal
  4. Did anyone hear/understand what upset Meg last night? Looked to be ok in her room with H and M , went to the bathroom, maybe took a call. Came back out, a few words, H and M got up and left, Meg sat on the bed and cried. As a guess maybe bad news from home but neither M or H hugged or sat with her. Went on for quite a while, they rejoined her later. Maybe when H and M went to the kitchen they maybe talked about it? It passed anyway as she got up and went downstairs for the "private" rub.
  5. Thanks I have heard most speak English, Meg on the phone to her fella, Holly not. She sings in English but i dont think i have heard her actually talk, despite the opinion i think shes actually a bit shy on that side. Dont doubt she can speak it, something Ari said one time, after she had been out with her on a date, told her fella that she needed someone to be the loud one, she not same me laughing
  6. Gina and Curly talking in English, he wants to practice, she has not studied it since school? Something like.
  7. Gina back with tosspot. Looked like another lovers tiff this morning but didnt turn into a full on row. He must realise not to keep upsetting the cashcow
  8. yeah but will be off cam more , might give her a least of life, she looks bored shitless. Her workouts are fun to watch though.
  9. there is a niche for everyone but yeah i doubt you will pass for a fit Ukraine girl 😁
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