See Linda? I wasn't negative. I didn't even say one bad thing. Okay? Your ass is better. Okay? I haven't seen it close enough to the cams to know 😁
People be thinkin' I'm talking to the invisible woman n shit lol.
I suppose this makes me not only number one fan boy but what was it? Gimp? LMAO. The word is SIMP. And fuck yeah, I'll be Linda's simp! Y'all can kiss my jugghead ass.
Yo, I just got torched hard.
Leora, I swear I love you, and I swear you do have a great ass, but another woman beckons and her name also begins with L I go to that other LaLaLand.
Pulo, take the comm. I have bigger fish to fry!
Okay, yes, but not if you are Paul! If you're Paul, you can come, but bro you gonna have to enter and exit through the service entrance. And it had better be at night, goddamit! I don't need anyone around here thinking I have a bunch of goofy Pauls on the premises.
I promised Linda positive comments here and I will do my damdest.
Thank you to the Mods for allowing me to try my best. I will try to not disappoint you
Hi Le, it's me. Dumbass jugg.
I love you. Leave there and come here. You and Paul can have your own bedroom and it will be bigger than your current one. Sex may be required. Apply at your leisure.
Signed, me.
Aussie, it is never about their bodies, but the total woman. Leora owns the site, we know that. Some used to think it was Masha. She made it fun. Always there is a positive.
They are just like us and that's why I always argue.
You know I have talked to some. I can't imagine talking to Leora. They did it in the olden daze haha. I do it now. But none of it matters. What ever happened to just watch and see what happens?