I'm sorry bro, but the Grand Piano hasn't arrived yet, and she's still recovering from lip surgery (yeah, she told me) so she can't play the tuba until further notice. I guess your going to have to survive on dem boobies.
Hi Linda. Again, lol.
You know they will say a lot of things. I love your workouts and the time you spend pretty much doing whatever anywhere. Keep going. Sing and dance! I love every minute!
So both of you, shoo. Off to the complaints and grievances forum where nobody listens, oh that's right nobody cares here either. Or, you could file a complaint with RLC that you hate L and T or some shit, but you won't or can't do that. Or you could just wank elsewhere and clean up the stains after? Does any of that make sense?
Irma was a doll. She can come back any time. I would re-up for that alone. But you know, RLC needs to do her and some other favs a solid. Don't tell me RLC can't shift things around. Masha, I love ya, but your apartment is open I assume. Put single or even recently bf'd Irma in there. Why is there no single woman trying to date her way to marriage not on here any way?