We don’t avoid them, we spend most of the time in the living room, we invite them to eat with us sit with us but obviously they are not very social, when we were partying the first night we invited him and his friend multiple times to sit with us and not to sit distant from us but still.
maybe by the time they will change who knows, we are not complete strangers to them they met us before couple of times.
Yes true but I am applying for a residential visa once we are there and in maximum 3 months I will get it, so we might have to leave again Russia if I don’t get it within a month.
We came to Hungary to open the first apartment here and we thought if we would like it we will apply for the residentl visa and stay, but we do prefer Russia more and we are planing to settle there anyway.
We do prefer Russia for many reasons, but even if we wanted to stay here we can’t because we can stay 3 months max and we are about to reach that limit, and getting resident visa to stay longer is more than difficult.
Yes, just for some time till we settle down.
I think its fine, we are more than exited to go back to Russia, its been difficult 3 months for us here, we miss the party life.