Do you know if the girls are related ? Or maybe its just the hair. If they are related that could explain why they wont do a threesome. But for sure a weird situation with these guys.
Ha okay that makes it even more strange, so he cuddles with the one girl at night and the other he have sex with, this is so weird. And that they share the same bed all 3 of them. They should just go have a threesome.
Anyways thx for info :)
Wonder how long the mother is staying, she been there for over a week now I think, and I dont like it. before Mira and kai would always be in the living room sitting with their laptops, now they often go sit in the bed instead while the mother is sitting with her laptop in the livingroom lol, the whole situation looks so weird. Also this apartment is one of the worst looking imo. - That kitchen with those 2 red chairs, looks so weird.
How so ? I wasnt trying to be funny, I am just confussed about these people. Every night they cuddle nothing ever happens but in the day time they sometimes have sex in the tub or in the bedroom. I barely watch them but watched a few times when they had sex.
Didnt know they were working as models outside of RLC, is there anywhere you can see their work? Pics or photoshoots things like that? Kamila looks really nice and have a great body.
Can someone please help me with the names, who are those 2 that always cuddles in bed every night? And the girl next to them is? I have seen sometimes the guy and one of the girls having sex in the tub or in the bedroom. Is it not the same girl he is cuddling with every night that he also have sex with from time to time?
Another question are these girls related or sisters? They both have funny hairstyle.
Aha so was under the cover, then is hard to know what happened but it probably did happen. I saw a small clip from a night at the b2 house, Belle, Megan and Rebecca getting it on, one of the girls was licking Belle. But unfortunately the clip I saw was only around 1½ min long so didnt get to see much.
Did this really happen? A guy I spoke to in pm said he watches a lot and told me he didnt recall this, but said that Rose did to Belle. I didnt watch back then so dont know who is wrong or right.
Agree, I mentioned earlier they need a do not didsturb sign that they can hang on the door, and if they see this sign it means no knocking or anything, stay out unless it's very important.
I wish there was a 6 cam mode view, I often find I could need a couple more windows to follow all the action, but the current max limit if streams if you try to open more, is about 5-6 at the same time.