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Everything posted by StnCld316

  1. Playing Mafia. Hmmmmmmmmm! I know how that goes.
  2. That's just the last known image before RLC shut the cams off.
  3. Bring up Command Prompt. Run it as Administrator. Copy & Paste everything in the red below. Enter: reg add "HKCU\Software\Classes\CLSID\{86ca1aa0-34aa-4e8b-a509-50c905bae2a2}\InprocServer32" /f /ve If everything goes right, it should say "The operation completed successfully." Close Command Prompt and restart to make the override key take effect.
  4. Just have top look at the apartment title when posting. It clearly shows B4 on one and B7 on the other.
  5. Discuss Wolf & Karma in B7 where it belongs. It has no bearing placed in this topic.
  6. They even got crazies in their territory as well.
  7. Fiora has left the project. She just hung around for a few extra hours.
  8. I wouldn't know. As I get older my memory doesn't remember the things as it used to.
  9. I don't have it as I do not subscribe but someone else may have it.
  10. She can stay that way. Spare everyone the Drama of her soap opera.
  11. Same as they got Fiora left the project but her ass is still parked on the sofa.
  12. Them boys at RLC are not the brightest. Most of them have an IQ of less than 50.
  13. They can remove it would be just fine and dandy with me.
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