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Everything posted by StnCld316

  1. It takes 5 years to become permanent resident. He has a long ways to go.
  2. The computer wins again. Most guys would be in bed sleeping with their loved one. Not Paul, the man is clueless about life and all the benefits it has to offer. He choses the computer over everything. If the man had a brain he'd be an orphan.
  3. She's look even better if she got all that ink removed. 😁
  4. Deny homosexuality but they allow Incest in Russia to be legal makes no sense to me. Churches should just keep their nose out of politics and peoples personal lives.
  5. Too much bother changing DNS. Download Cloudflare WARP it does all the work for you.
  6. Nina & Kira lived in Russia for years and they're lesbians. They even got married to each other and nothing happened to them because of their lifestyle.
  7. Been off over 2 months. Doesn't seem like she's returning.
  8. That must have broke Paul's heart having to part with 20 Euro's. 🤣
  9. Don't know. I read that there's one coming but Stock Market Analysists have been known to be wrong. Not the first time they've stated a big crash is coming and then nothing happens except for getting a couple of bad days where they fall 1000 points.
  10. Because the person who operates Hotscopes wants to be a dickhead and destroy videos with their watermarks they don't even hold any copyright to.
  11. Apartment Topic for Ana & Kevin. Note: We don't allow Camarads Uploads to Public Boards on Cam Caps.
  12. Never nothing new and interesting from them. It's just the same ole thing day in and day out. Like watching reruns on TV.
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