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Everything posted by StnCld316

  1. I found something more appropriate and edited my comment.
  2. I would be sweating profusely if I had that kind stuff wrapped around me while sleeping.
  3. It was the only thing with a lapping tongue at the time.
  4. 75 Degrees and they sleep wrapped up in blankets and a comforter around them.
  5. By No Name Brands. They're just as good. They're made by Brand Name Companies labelled with a different name.
  6. Get bad when a man can raise his own hands for a few seconds to take a drink of water. They likely have wipers so they don't dirty their hands when they pinch a loaf.
  7. Most ridiculous rule for drivers. Fine for using air conditioning while driving. People have been driving for years with air conditioned cars and there is no proven fact that air conditioning causes drowsiness. It's just another Cash Grab from a Government upon their citizens.
  8. Trudeau will be out the door the first chance Canadians get to vote him out and he can take his bearded diaper head friend along with him.
  9. It does not matter who gets in they're all cut from the same cloth. Try to dazzle people with their brains and baffle them with a lot of
  10. This committee will be over once they come back from summer recess. They'll have two or three hearings in September, then wrap things up and the DOJ can indict Donald Trump. They likely wont get him in prison but there should be enough to invoke the 14th on him to keep him from ever holding office ever again. Something Pence should have done on January 7th but never had the balls to do it. As far as midterms the Republicans will likely gain but their riches will not be as large as they think. The only way America will ever become great is the day they lay Trump to rest. Lucifer will look after him.
  11. Where ever they went it wasn't very far. They are now home in bed sleeping.
  12. It does not matter to me what they make the stuff out of. They won't be injecting me with anymore of it. I had 2 vaccines a year ago that's good enough for me. I have never had any Covid since the whole pandemic thing began so I feel no further need for anymore injections vaccine or booster.
  13. Steve Bannon convicted of contempt for defying 1/6 subpoena WWW.MSN.COM WASHINGTON (AP) — Steve Bannon, a longtime ally of former President Donald Trump, was convicted on Friday of contempt charges for... At least when he gets sentenced there's no pardon coming this time.
  14. A developed country begging a third world nation that can barely look after themselves for oil. They'll want it at a dirt cheap price and the Africans will suffer worse than what they're already accustomed to.
  15. A loaded gun should have never been in the hands of a 4 year old in the first place. Some parents are just plain fucking stupid, they deserve to lose their kids.
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