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Everything posted by StnCld316

  1. GOP Rep. Newhouse, who voted to impeach Trump, wins Washington primary, NBC News projects WWW.MSN.COM GOP Rep. Dan Newhouse who voted to impeach former President Donald Trump last year for his role in the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S.
  2. Samson would cuddle anything that walks. He'd make a good Bum Buddy for Tim.
  3. The pill works by introducing different hormones into the system, it can affect the menstrual cycle. Some women may have lighter bleeding, and others may skip their periods entirely. An abnormal lapse in monthly menstruation is called amenorrhea.
  4. Working, I would not use that word to loosely about Paul. Only strenuous thing he does is
  5. It's in plain sight that photo was phot shopped. Fox news far right propaganda.
  6. It's good enough the way it is for now. They'll likely be on relocation soon.
  7. Lets hope that they never ever decide to pro-create.
  8. Just like the blind leading the blind everyday.
  9. I got a few ass whippings from my dad growing up as a child. It made me a better person and never got in trouble much with the law. Only 1 mischief charge back in the mid 80's. The damn alcohol got me in trouble.
  10. My folks stayed together their whole life. My father passed away back in 2002 and my mother is now 88 soon to be 89 and she still lives in her own home. When we were kids things were quite similar watching TV or listening to the Grand Ole Opry at the Ryman Auditorium on the Radio. Lots of family outings. Once we got over 16 then things changed a bit having to go to work to make some money. Could not survive on a $5 monthly allowance we were given and we actually had to do chores to earn it. If you didn't do your chores there was no allowance.
  11. It's up to Merrick Garland. Lets see if he can grow a set and get it done.
  12. Yes, that is the reason people get married, and live their lifetimes together ! 😏 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- And also the reason that 50% of all marriages in the US end up in either divorce or separation, and 40% of first time marriages also fail !😏 Not like the good ole days when our folks got married. They both said I do and 50+ years later they remained married. Nowadays marriages last about 5 years tops.
  13. Apartment Topic for Enya & Mateo. Note: We don't allow Camarads Uploads to Public Boards on Cam Caps.
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