I do not completely agree with you.
Couples such as E & S or C & J have certainly explained both the content of the website, and what they expect from their subscribers.
It is normal that not all couples have the same frequency in sexual relations and in their variations. I really liked Alice who only had "normal" sex, but I also really like Lola who has more pushed sex (BI, threesome, bondage, etc.). I also like those who have little sex because I like to follow the house for a few days waiting for it to happen.
Now I ask you: imagine that you own a factory that produces shirts and have 28 workers. If 2 of them do not work, you would be understanding, you would have patience, you would give them time, you would talk to them but, in the end, if things do not change, you would send them home replacing them with more "active" people.
In the case of the above mentioned couples I would call them and say to them: "Hey guys, our subscribers follow you to see you having sex. We do not tell you to do it 2 times a week or 2 times a day but you can not stay a month without doing nothing.
Otherwise what are you doing here?
Leave the houses free to put someone more active than you.
It's an extreme example, but if the houses where nothing is done becomes 6 - 8 - 10, would you still talk in the same way?