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Everything posted by charliefoxx69

  1. So, Jewel finally sleeps with Dick and Jane but gets no love, except a back wash from Dick...wakes before they do, leaves then Jane wakes Dick with a BJ and sex. Jewel comes back last night but not Dick and sleeps in the bed again with Jane. Who is again emotional and clinging to Jewel.
  2. These girls come and go some more memorable then others. Like the lovely "Legs" Lorraine. It's been wonderful to see you again, nice that your friend Blair gave you a tutorial and got you "plugged in" 🙂 I wish you safe travels young lady. Be well. Charlie
  3. Thank you. I appreciate you, even if no one else does. Make it a great day. 🙂
  4. Harley, I live in Fla near the beach, spent 4 hours on 6 different beaches today walking. Smart guy, I was paralyzed 25 yrs ago after a car accident and used to weigh in at 324 lbs. My last weigh in 215. I walk, because I was told I would never walk again. But to answer your inquiry, I get plenty if sun sir. If you have something disrespectful to say to a veteran like me or about me, please do. It won't be the first time, but thanks for asking. "I hope you always find something to smile about." (M.A.)
  5. The lovely Ms. Damira is a walking "orgasm" she is pierced...very hot all the time. Oh-Oh-oh is her middle name.
  6. Bud..we are cool. But do not try and claim this little sexy (Damira) as yours. Are you channeling you inner CheesyOne? 🙂 She is stunning.
  7. Damira acts as though she has been here before..Sweet. Not shy amd under the circumstances you would not have a thought of she chose to hold back a little. She is very aware of the cameras and we get the benefit thereof. Thank you Damira. Beijos.
  8. She has been one of my favorite B4 tenants. She was a little shy at first but she has shown us a younger version of the lovely Anita of you think about it. Really cool, introspective and very friendly too.
  9. My apologies. Wrong thread. Oops.. fatigue. Been a long day.
  10. This moment is why I sub to RLC. Karla dressed sitting in a chair in the kitchen area having a chat. It's the little moments that escape many but are memorable to me in the long run. Often, some forget that these women are people with lives that stretch beyond, far beyond what we are exposed to. Here there is no dead space. It's all streamed some what live around the world for others to take in.
  11. Diva has t😎hat "All Day" kinda booty. As the song says... Booty...Booty..Booty everywhere!!! 🤣🤣
  12. Tiny little Erika isn't ready for any big girl games. However, after spending a couple of days alone maybe she will come around when they return.
  13. Pam and Diva just hanging out. Probably waiting for the rain to subside before going back to B1. I would be interested to see if the talker (Diva) will continue to come out of her shell after excuse the analogy..breaking her RLC cherry the other night in B3.
  14. I wanna see a wrasslin match between Karla and Damira. 🙂 Numi can referee and we need a tag team approach. Amalia and Ariela the teammates.
  15. The rain in Spain means activities are strictly indoors for now....Diva still under covers in Lorraine's bed.
  16. As a postscript from the last forum...I said this. Not to belabor the point but it's like going to a eatery where the beer is flat, service is poor, food is worse, but the servers are topless. You keep them in business by stopping by for the scenery. You know what you will get for your money but spend it anyway. Then complain about it to your buddies,as you mention the "Big Knockers" on Natalie your favorite server. "Yeah man she's got nipples the size of silver dollars." As long as you keep coming in for the wonderful scenery in that joint they know they can keep giving you a little show and poor food or service. They KNOW your not really there for that. You obviously have all the right to complain. But riddle me this...(my point) if you are not getting what you want why spend your money??
  17. Not to belabor the point but it's like going to a eatery where the beer is flat, service is poor, food is worse, but the servers are topless. You keep them in business by stopping by for the scenery. You know what you will get for your money but spend it anyway. Then complain about it to your buddies,as you mention the "Big Knockers" on Natalie your favorite server. "Yeah man she's got nipple the size of silver dollars." As long as you keep coming in for the wonderful scenery in that joint they know they can keep giving you a little show and poor food or service. They KNOW your not really there for that.
  18. As stated before the "joke" is on you. For all you whining about how pathetic certain residents or apts are here RLC will not change one thing because it's model has proven to work in their favor in separating you from your money for the content (Or lack there of) they provide. You are under the impression that they care about your or anyone else's comments about this. In the months since you have been complaining, please tell me one tangible part of this that has changed. I'll wait. Uhh..that's right none. Pathetic.. a joke. Yes. They can't wait for you to renew..again.
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