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Everything posted by charliefoxx69

  1. I agree with you. Karla is smart and talented. She will succeed at whatever she wants.
  2. She just told him she cannot return to Russia because of her relationship with her father. That is pretty hard breaking to hear a girl say about her dad. He has basically turned his back on her.
  3. Karla is speaking to this man about her future. What she wants, where she is from, what she has experienced and how she does not want to go back to her old life. She wants only good things and is willing to work for those things. She likes to dance, which she has done since she was a child but does not want to do it for money although she has. She wants to be a model. A fashion model. She can do it. She needs a good agent and she is educated. It's a side of her that make me love her even more.
  4. Bravo Karla. Tell him you do not want to dance on stage. He just wants to use you. Thanks for explaining why you not like dancing on stage. You enjoyed it in the moment but it's not for you. You are not a liar and felt bad about lying to all the time.
  5. These RLC apts are all the same any participants sign a contract with many rules about what they can and cannot do in the apt. I remember when I first saw visitors come to Linda and Tibor, they told them specifically about the cameras and they signed paperwork before they stayed the night. So him telling her or the other women who have dropped by, that the cameras are not rolling serves a purpose. He lies about a lot of things so why not that if he can get his dick wet by not being honest about it.
  6. He is fucking other women in the apartment he shares with another. The head count is 3 that we know of. He has zero respect for her by doing so. If he wants to do this why there and hide all her things. He's a real stand up guy. There are no inexpensive hotel rooms in this city? That's where you take whores you don't bring them home.
  7. So fucking sad. Someone actually cheering for this hypocrite to fuck other women other than the one he lives with. Tells you a lot about them.
  8. What's done in the dark... ALWAYS comes to light. If he is moving on that's fine. He will do what he wants without having someone to tell lies to. She will hurt for a while. Nice girl. Too nice. She deserved and deserves better than being treated like something he stepped in.
  9. Those of you who are praising this ass wipe for his actions are as f$$ked up as he is. If you want to f$$k other people that's great. But don't call yourself living with someone else and claim that you care for them when it's obvious that is not true. Notice after a night of fucking someone other than Asia now he can sleep in the same bed. I call bullsnit!!
  10. She looks like (favors) B4 Bridget's young sister..with bigger hips and not as strong a stomach.
  11. I repeat... Jane has issues. Jewel can't even enjoy a bath without her interrupting.!! Damn! You already went to bed and now you disturb her peace... Now she wakes up early and desperate for conversation she wakes Jewel up from a peaceful sleep...!! What the hell?? Why Jane..? Then you get dressed and leave...write a note and let her sleep.
  12. Jane has issues. Jewel can't even enjoy a bath without her interrupting.!! Damn! You already went to bed and now you disturb her peace...
  13. He really doesn't want to be there. He is gone every weekend for the last month, even when we saw him with Katia, he left with her and Jane returned before he did. She got hers last night so may be that's the bargain she made.
  14. Is it just me or is Diva...related to our beloved Bridget from B4? Who we last saw with Megan and her BF. She looks like she could be her little sister, with bigger hips, same smile and all.
  15. For a non-director of porn like yourself. A "fluffer" gets a male performer ready to preform before the camera roll for "action".
  16. From what I am reading Jewel was the "on-call" fluffer for their photo shoot? What the hell is that crap??
  17. Whoa. Okay. @ work trying to sneak a peek at my mobile. Thanks
  18. Uneventful night. Dick up early..usual excersise routine while Jane was still asleep. Gets dressed and leaves. Jane awake half naked on her phone...
  19. Numi is a dancer. Like the songs says.. "I like the way you move" Wow. A little early morning ->(backyard)<- excersise is great !!!
  20. After being gone together, he leaves again for 2 days. They come home and everything is cool.. ( not their actual chat) Dick , hey Jane what did you do today? Oh, nothing took a long bath and cleaned up the apartment a little.. 🙂
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