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Posts posted by charliefoxx69

  1. 2 minutes ago, SierraTM said:

    I really wondered what happened between Sera & Amira for both for them to avoid each other today or rather Sera "pretending not to know" today's Amira last day...

    Quite bizarre really and I am sure Amira is here in this project because of Sera.

    Whatever happened it was about 2 weeks ago when Sera woke up and got on Karina and Amira. Amira was sweet to Sera, braiding her hair, they were getting along fine. But we see what has happened since, Sera avoided both her and Karina even when hosting other girls in B1. 

  2. 1 minute ago, Thestarider said:

    31 extremely icy days, longest ice storm in Barcelona history, and A-sexual Amira should find a way home. She doesn't seem very happy to be in Barcelona RLC project.

    To be fair, look at what has transpired since Amira arrived. She checks into B4 and spends all of her time with Sera, sleeping, showering and eating together getting on just great until they moved to B1. That's where everything has changed. They initially kept the same routine 2-3 days until Karina arrived and now we see Sera with anyone who are not Amira and Karina. How would you feel about the project if you were treated this way...? 

    Probably not very good.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Thestarider said:

    I would just love to see the look on Frozen "The ICE Princess's" face if Mila was to give in to her own inner self desires, giving herself a really good Big O right there in bed beside the Frozen one. Can you just imagine the look on her face?

    I know we're at the beginning of Mila's stay at B4, she has not been the same as her last stay. She did wake up early and as someone said "touch her plum" most everyday more than once. But she was also surrounded by a different set of girls. That in front of Sera would be a delight to see Thes.

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