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Posts posted by charliefoxx69

  1. Just now, maxfactor said:

    WTF not another fraidy Frank shit show.  He's had TWO chances and he made his decision...send him away!!! 

    Why do they have these so-called parties at B3 with Frank and Jenn B3's most non-interesting couple. I saw the together today he lasted maybe a good 4 minutes tops, Jenn wasn't even wet yet when he finished. He had to come back and manually finish the job. 


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  2. 9 hours ago, SierraTM said:

    Usually I will tear down 2/3 of B1 but yes today I will tear down both 2/3 of B1 & B4.

    Daisy is having the time of her life. Free lodgings, paid vacation at winter Barcelona all for the price of watching her shower.

    Without the demolition does anyone find it odd that Daisy bird was the only one left out of last nights activities?

    She did what she had done the night before stayed in bed on her phone.

    End of script.

  3. 7 minutes ago, SierraTM said:

    And this time I applaud her for that.

    They literally left her to do most of the clean up on her own.

    Didn't even tidy up their sleeping area, Sera probably might have to politely ask Karina to help her bring the mattress up.

    Yes she was the organizer but damn those girls should at least help a bit?

    You are speaking of the B4 girls right?

    Overnight guests usually get fed or offered food, that just courteous and yes you should straighten the area you slept in. Do you think we will see these B4 girls back in B1 again?

  4. 4 hours ago, DMcKenzie said:

    I definitely agree that she's a bit strange. 

    However I think her biggest issues are Jane and the cameras.

    If both those issues can be solved we could be in for a show.

    However it's a real long shot for that to happen.



    You may be right about that Mac.

    This girl has superpowers and is like kryptonite to Dick. He can't resist her charms. She knows how to push his buttons and you know when a man gets and erection it renders him stupid because all the blood flows from his brain to his cock which therefore move his feet. I don't think he had her but helped her cum (manual stimulation) in the half bath. He immediately came out and washed his hands in the kitchen. They were animated and playful too.

    This has been going on about 6 weeks or more. The last time that we saw them this close was when she was standing in front of the half bath in just her panties and he pulled her inside awhile back. What is Jane's part she allowed this little one (Katia/Lola) we don't know her name, move into the guest room about 10 days ago.

    Last night was the first time we saw kissing for both with her. The energized impromptu photo session was extra, she loves to dress up in Jane's clothes, almost as though a part of her wants to be Jane. She is much younger and different from her. 

    The wall in the guest room has shelving of course, you cannot see it. To say the least this girl likes being between  Jane and Dick. Remember, they were gone for 4 days to where we don't know.

    Dick isn't the only man who has shared that half bath with our little dancer, she did the same early morning yesterday, he was happy she smiled, high fived and hugged her before going to sleep in the LR. 

    Who says there is nothing to watch on RLC..?



  5. 22 minutes ago, nadiuska said:

    Dick ha provato più vole a baciare la piccolina, sempre senza la presenza di Jane, e lei non si tira indietro... Non è rimasta stupita dal vedere il membro di Dick, ma non vuole fare niente con la presenza di Jane, con la quale non ha atteggiamenti intimi. Jane con la brunetta delle altre volte non ha mai avut oproblemi a lasciare Sam scopare anche in sua presenza, anzi collabora al raggiungimento dello scopo. Forse adesso la piccolina si lascerà andare un pò di più??? boh



    Dick tried to kiss the little girl more often, without Jane's presence, and she did not hold back ... She was not surprised to see Dick's member, but she did not want to do anything with Jane's presence , With whom he has no intimate attitudes. Jane with the brunette of the other times has never had the oproblemi to leave Sam to fuck even in his presence, rather collaborating to achieve the purpose.

    Maybe now the little girl will let it go a little more ??? boh

  6. 6 hours ago, Fagen said:

    Wonder how long it will take before Sera starts visiting b2, this girl is so weird.

    I Dislike sounding like a broken record but what the hell sense did it make for Sera to do and end around on Amira and Karina.

    Let's figure it out. Rewind, 48 hours, Sera goes to B3 to see Frank/Jenn but brings them back to B1 for a party only after A/K had gone to B4 where have a good time and they spend the night. Mila was asleep so she did not participate and only met Amira on her way out yesterday afternoon with Laima.

    How did it happen that at the same time A/K leave B4 almost simultaneously Sera leaves B1 and Jenn leaves B3? The other B4 girls including Mila but minus Daisy find thier way to B3 for a party that was then started then moved to B1 where A/K were settled in for the night including a joint bath and a shared a kiss or 2.

    Then Sera and the B4 crew arrive to spend the night but Sera did not tell A/K and they bided their time in Amira's room while the others were in the LR.

    Someone please fill in what I missed, so I saw Sera take the girls to her room, they played cards, 2 girls go back to the LR, Karina to her room, Oksi and Mila watch a movie and stay in Sera's bed.

    Oksi gets up eventually and moves to the LR and after some time Mila gets up and you have the B4 girls in the LR on or around the sofa. Now Sera is asleep while the B4 girls rise.

    That's it right? If I have left anything out please fill in what I have left out...

  7. 2 minutes ago, Thestarider said:

    Let me say this again, that is one extremely weird girl. I mean to tell you, I don't think they much stranger than her. I am sure that Top Knot and Jane can do much better for a roommate than this friggen crazy ass girl. She is so fickle always posing in the mirrors, and fruity and nutty as they come. Her actions say she is a mental case.

    Birds of a feather. Jane's elevator is stuck between floors. This girl is a little off center. She is coming around. The first time we have seen intimacy from her for Dick. It's like a long strange first date. We will she more. 

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