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Posts posted by charliefoxx69

  1. 1 minute ago, Sexytreach said:

    How did we go from Irma, Karol, Anita, Dalia, Tina, Karla e.t.c to this......In B1 and B4 apartments, you have Daisy and Serafima who would rather socialise with everyone but their own roomates....I am getting tired of it...Amira and Karina has been nothing but nice to Serafima so why the freeze out..She either needs to get with the program or get out...Daisy would rather spend time with Karina so I suggest RLC move her to B1 and Serafima to her own private kingdom where she can rule over her minions....Bunch of misfits these lot...

    Thank you. Well said.

  2. 2 hours ago, cheesehead51 said:

    I can't help but feel sorry for Oksi.  She is obviously unstable upstairs.  She is her own worst enemy 

    Oksi is a bright girl, it's not her mental faculties that are at issue Cheesy.

    It's her emotional well being that is not good at all. She lacks the emotional stability that to others comes naturally or is learned over time. Her patterns of behavior bare this out. I said it before I think it stems from some type of trauma in her most recent past. The pendulum of emotions from seemingly very happy, to melancholy, then anger or bitterness..are telling. 

  3. 3 minutes ago, happyone said:

    Most of you do not care for or even dislike Oski---but what I am seeing is a girl who tries really hard

    to be loved and accepted, and just tries too hard---and that is sad for me to witness in any human being.

    Sorry--I am just a softy. 

    Happy you are not wrong. But before you can love anyone else you have to love yourself. Until she learns to love the person that she is..as the song says:

    Whatcha see is Whatcha get

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