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Everything posted by charliefoxx69

  1. After Karina went to Amira's room for a private chat. Now Sera upset again about something Amira not having it.
  2. This should be an interesting shopping outing Sandra, Daisy. Dalia. Elvira and Oksi. Oksi did not speak when she just saw Dalia...they have not spoken in a long while.
  3. Lily sure has been all over the place as of late..hanging with her bf then hugged up with Oksi and last night a tub reunion with her roommate Sandra only to get dressed and leave out again late.
  4. Last njght when Sera returned with her friend they had little to say to A/K but made a beeline for the kitchen and the food they had prepared opened two separate bottles of wine then went to Sera's room door closed, not join A/K in the LR. Remember how the day started with Sera's arguing then Amira braiding both girls hair before they left. A/K stayed home had a pleasant time cooking together and prepared a great meal. Do you find it at all strange at all that Sera and her friend waited until Amira and Karina went to Amira's room to then leave her room to go sit on the couch where A/K had been when they arrived? I am glad I got it right when I dubbed the current trio of girls in B1.. "Girls on a Sofa" starring Sera, Amira and Karina.
  5. Jane's little guest has finally returned at 12:30 pm. Still no sign of Dick.
  6. I may be wrong about them being out together Dick and Jane's little guest. It would make no sense since she gave him the okay to be with her. Why sneak around if it's okay ? Unless the freedom of not hiding from cameras is the motive. But I doubt that. Jane finished decorating the Christmas tree alone, it's beautiful. She is wide awake and waiting for their return.
  7. Why mikeusa ? What's the point? You enjoy that exercise in futility?
  8. Almost 7 am and Jane is still up waiting for Dick to return. Her little friend has not returned either. Educated guess they are together although they left two hours apart.
  9. Little one left 2 hours before Dick at 18:00 neither has returned.
  10. I am sorry if my directness upset you. The first thing you said was I don't pay to see all and said they should be allowed to hide. If you want to see more you know how this works. You be well.
  11. What do you think Lyree about my theory regarding the girl in Sera's bed related ?
  12. Sim. Entende. Eu fala um poco Portuguese, y español tambien.
  13. Yes. But they have taken their party to Sera's room. These girls mustbe related they pick at their legs the same way Beijos para voce'
  14. Sera gave her one of her robes and a pair of panties to change into before coming downstairs. Has to be her sister, same height too.
  15. Sera and her friend are back. Looking closer they may be related. Same ears, cheekbone...chin...and nose..her little sister maybe?
  16. Oksi thinks she deserves some kind of reward (Sandra) after treating Anita the way she did. She is mistaken. She will to go back to her room like last night.
  17. Sandra wants to sleep. The man-ish one Oksi is the only thing to some between Lily and Sandra. Like I have said Sandra tolerates her because of Lily. Oksi has been after Sandra so she has endeared herself to Lily. I wish Sandra would have just stayed with Dalia.
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