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Everything posted by charliefoxx69

  1. It couldn't be that she was horny and wanted to touch herself when ever she got settled. You can't be serious. Either she was horny or enjoys it cameras or no cameras. Compared to Sera who lays on her bed night after night looks at her phone acts like she is going to play then doesn't. Yeah. That's thrilling.
  2. To a point. But she is in B4. She is on her phone constantly there trying to get someone to engage her in conversation. She hasn't made one phone call since arriving to visit B1 because she has been talking since she arrived. Can you imagine trying to take a long road trip with this girl? NO. We will see her escape to B1 often if she wants to do something other than talk on the phone in the kitchen area and sleep. She still has not unpacked her suitcase since moving in almost a week ago. But I digress.
  3. Cheesy!!!Oooh! You old Poker!! Remember what I said about peace and quiet? This girl talks incessantly!!!!Damn take a breath...
  4. Have you ever seen her do anything else? Karina has to be enjoying this little bit of peace and quiet. 😊
  5. The newbie Elvira is very cute. Wow. I am late on this I know. Welcome 💟
  6. Oksi wants Sandra, she has already tasted Lily...Sandra engaged her but that's were it ends. We saw that play out last night and on other nights.
  7. Cheesy Back to B1 maybe Amira spent the evening alone because she just plain wanted to. Maybe she was invited to go with Sera and friend and chose not to. Amira and Karina were still in bed when she left. That's what I was trying to tell you. You don't think she is as cold and unfeeling??Remember this my friend. "When someone shows you who they are belive them the first time." Sera's actions prove my point.
  8. So you think that her actions towards Anita were okay? You commend her for not helping her friend pack to leave by hiding in the LR ? Or getting out of bed to say goodbye. Cheesehead51 really?
  9. That is my point, she was awake in her bed when Dalia and Anita were with them earlier. Phony friend.
  10. In my haste to write I misspelled the word... pet·u·lant /ˈpeCHələnt/ Learn to pronounce adjective (of a person or their manner) childishly sulky or bad-tempered.
  11. Rob she needs to grow a pair. You know this you cannot live a real life based on someone else's relationship with other people. Now she is awake and acting like she wasn't being a pechanlat child while Anita was leaving. Hiding in the living room last night when she packed. Not speaking after her return from the hospital. Her friend Anita was seriously injured and how did she act? This is that same girl. She does not get or deserve a pass on this.
  12. I sincerely hope that Oksi will realize life is too short to harbor righteous indignation towards anyone. I have criticized her but I am not trying to be mean. She has to learn to appreciate all her relationships. Real or not. Anita was her friend and that should count for something. I am sure of this that if she does not change she will end up just like she is today alone under the covers feeling miserable. The message Anita left was for you Oksi...maybe someday you realize she was right.
  13. Again, you are being short sided. I saw that scene in the tub. I am saying look at the whole day. Remember, the tech issues we talked about and you asked me who the girl was that was in Sera's room. Think. I told you it was her friend and they left together..yes...same day. Amira spent the evening alone again because Karina was with Daisy. What part of this are you not getting. Amira was in bed already when Sera finally came home. We make time for the things/people we want in life. Why did Amira get up? Motor mouth Daisy and Karina arrived. She didn't have to. But she joined them. Only after Sera talked for 90 minutes with Daisy did she turn invite Amira to take a bath. Amira was right to reject her in that moment. IMO.
  14. She is so ungrateful, it's pathetic. She came to B4 because of Anita, was jealous of Anita's relationships with the other girls.
  15. Cheesy, wouldn't you treat her cold. Remember what happened Sera went out with her friend, did she invite Amira. NO. Leaving Amira alone again. You are seeing what you want to see. Sera comes home Amira had just gone to bed.Daisy arrived with Karina and Amira got out of bed to join them. Sera and Daisy...talked and talked. Amira still took a bath with her before going back to her room. Sera left her in the tub and went to her room. Tell me again how that Amira being cold?
  16. Their being in the half bath may be her choice but after she joined in the bedroom Jane and Dick gave her a massage. She did get up and return to the guest room after only because she and Dick had already had their fun.
  17. Look Anita is Anita, she is direct likes to have what she wants and does not shy away from that. It got her in trouble a couple times but she is the real deal. You think she turned Dalia out, I told you before Dalia has always been like this and found someone who did the same. I like Anita and wish her well. Safe travels, I hope you heal from your wounds soon and get back home with some great memories. Merry Christmas to you Anita and thank you.
  18. Oksi didn't check on her when she was in the clinic after her fall, she went out with Lily and her BF yesterday. Anita is the reason she is even in B4..so what gives.
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