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Everything posted by Alladino

  1. To be honest, I find the distinction of individuals based on their physical characteristics unproblematic. I have no problem calling someone tall or short and the same goes for the skin color. Differences are positive, because they make life more interesting. Problematic are the prejudices based on this characteristics (e.g. if you are afraid of all people which have grown tall or have a certain skin color). With the police, or better parts of it, act on the basis of these prejudices we have a very serious problem. Everyone has the right to be treated fairly and without prejudice. This right must be realized, especially by the police. To achieve this it does not help to think in groups based on this characteristics and thus ultimately make the same mistake. There should be no "my people" based on such unimportant characteristics as skin color. When the rights of people are ignored by the police, it is an issue that affects everyone.
  2. The economy has been in the restart for some time. The people keep their distance wherever possible, wear masks, etc. There are some industries that are currently in a really bad situation, e.g. the airlines. But here the problem will probably continue even after Covid-19, as digitization makes travel less necessary. Covid-19 has here an accelerated process that would have happened anyway.
  3. Again, so you finally understand. No one in the world gives a shit about Trump or the US election when it comes to approving or rejecting this drug. For you this asshole Trump might be some kind of god, but the rest of the world just laughs about him.
  4. It has not been like this for some time now. We have to find the balance. Meeting in small groups, if possible try to keep a distance and use masks, wash your hands for 30sec, ...
  5. This is exactly your mistake. Biden would only make such a recommendation if his experts advised him to do so. No one has yet ruled out the hydroxychloroquine, to my knowledge there are still several studies in progress. However, there have not been any clearly positive results so far. BTW, most of the world doesn't give a shit about trumps statements regarding the drug. Here the studies are examined and then acted upon, no matter what this wanna be expert Trump has to say.
  6. The exact opposite can also be the case. This is the reason why studies are made and only after the results are known, a large-scale application is carried out. With hydroxychloroquine there have been no clearly positiv studies so far. That Trump chose this drug as a miracle cure for his propaganda some month ago is worth shit. Additionally you should be aware that a single case has no real meaning. Nobody knows how Trump Covid-19 case would have turned out without all the drugs. Only appropriate studies with suitable control groups make a meaningful statement possible. The fact that this asshole Trump is once again acting as a fake expert is simply unbearable when you consider how many more morons are now getting infected just because the security measures are reduced.
  7. First of all you should switch to the SI unit system, that would really be a good decision. 😃
  8. I wish people would finally learn that there is only one human race. All people belong to it no matter what skin color they have. Apart from that, all I can say is that you should not let the populists talk you into such irrational fears. You urgently need to overcome your xenophobia and racism. Most people have the same goals, they just want to live their lives no matter what skin color they have. People are not your enemies just because their skin color is different from yours.
  9. When they perform these shows there is no point, no matter how many visitors are there. What RLC should actually be is a look into the real lives of its residents, with real emotions and real people. This stupid soft porn shit is ridiculous. I think we should not compare these apartments with normal vacations. The girls are there for months and have plenty of time. What's really missing is the normal circle of friends and relatives, but let's be honest, some of the girls have already spent more than a year in Barcelona and know a lot of people there. That we have no view into their private life is simply because of the girls bullshit us.
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