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Everything posted by Alladino

  1. I never said that any of the girls' actions were immoral. On the contrary, I am of the opinion that the viewers should keep their moral concepts to themselves and only apply them to their own lives. I only describe that these girls obviously have no sexual attraction to each other. All the teasing they do is not for them to get out of their puberty. Rather they are two straight girls who just pretend there is something between them to make more money. Pseudo lesbian Shows are now the concept of half of the apartments in RLC.
  2. Vacation? I thought the Hakeem cleaned the apartment of all his belongings. Hakeem started with a lie and so it's only fitting that his stay ended with a lie, too. 🤣 I don't think he'll show up again. This audacious Action is the only thing left for RLC to avoid admitting that they have lost another apartment. Now there are only 10 Apartments left, let's see which one goes down next.
  3. On the contrary, I find it important to have these elements. They make everything more realistic. I actually see it exactly the other way around. I think that a strange hostility towards guys in this places from parts of the viewership in combination with the will of the girls to respond to viewer wishes (like with the shows) have made these apartments extrem unrealistic. I think it would be good to see more genuine guests in these apartments, as this could make everything more realistic, or even be the first step to make the shows obsolete.
  4. It doesn't have to be that way. Unfortunately the GOV apartments are really a place for silly Shows (with or without guys). That is more and more the problem of RLC in General. It is what they Need to change to get good again. Anyway, guests, also guys, would be the best way to keep the apartments interesting even without shows, because these would bring a lot of variety and could create real excitement. Especially when the girls invite guys they're really interested in. Not to give shows, but actually like to spend time with and maybe even more. This is how a view into the private life of the girls would be possible.
  5. With or without guys present, the shows are what makes these apartments so bad. If the girls dance half naked on the tables or add other even more silly show element the guys could get a certain expectation. In the past RLC (especially in some of the Russian apartments) has often shown that genuine parties (with real guests and of course also guys) are possible without any trouble. I see no reason why something like this should not be possible in the GOV apartments. The important thing is that they don't make a show for the camera and that the girls invite guys who they actually want to be there. A normal party, where the residents and guest feel comfortable and can enjoy themselves. It would be best if they forget the camera as much as possible and just do what they want and not what they think the viewers would like to see.
  6. The probability is high that the actual party has already taken place on the weekend off camera, when all the girls were on vacation form vecation. Now, it is much more likely that the girls will again only perform a big show for the camera. As soon as the girls invite actual guests (also guys) and not just switch between the apartments as if there were different stages to put on the same show just with even more girls, it may could be called a party. All this shows should be called shows.
  7. Leora is a show girl with years of experience. She knows exactly how to make gullible viewers believe that something is going on, when to do something more and when it's time to cool down. It has nothing to do with alcohol, neither with any imagined attraction between the girls. Leora could pull out this pseudo lesbian shit for years and her fans would still be glued to their screens drooling and praising her as a goddess. Please Keep in mind, it is all just a show. Everything happens according to the motto, as much as necessary and as little as possible.
  8. Since the elimination of the Russian apartments, RLC has lost viewers almost continuously. Sure, the GOV apartments have their fanbase, but these are probably all still with RLC. Similar to the hardcore fans of Leora, even a single GOV apartment would probably be enough to Keep most of them to pay. 🤣 What RLC really needs is more realism again. New couples and maybe a real roommate apartment again.
  9. I just want to be able to say afterwards that I already suspected it.😉
  10. Does it really matter? I mean, the important thing is this girls don't waste any more space in RLC. Assuming, of course, that RLC is capable of finding a decent replacement. Here lies the real question: Where does RLC get replacements from? There is a high risk that the outcome will be worse than the current situation (e.g. a return of the twins).
  11. I think it was simply about being able to invite a few friends to celebrate a Birthday off camera. RLC is just ridiculous.
  12. The girls "feel more comfortable"?!? Shouldn't it be that the girls only have something sexual with each other when they are actualy into this stuff? It surprises me that nobody here notices how absurd this whole thing is. RLC pays two show girls to give any teasing shows on a site that claims to give an insight into their private lives.
  13. The concept is quite simple. As much as necessary and as little as possible. These girls have not the slightest lesbian tendency in them. So the goal is to make it look as if and to delay this task as long as possible. It is a teasing show without any real connection to the actual life of the girls. It is pseudo lesbian bullshit.
  14. The fact that they are almost never visited in the GOV apartments doesn't mean that they don't get to know other people during all these months in barcelona. I guess, the girls just party in an different house somewere in barcelona to avoid the cameras. Don't worry, I'm sure they'll offer a substitute show program in B4 at the next opportunity. Maybe, even with some Girls Dance on the tables again half nacked. 🤮
  15. Again one of these possibilities where the girls could have used this house (with pool and so much space) to invite a few friends over and have a nice and fun real party. 😣
  16. It's the same as with the shows. In social media, especially public ones, you see a facade. There is so much missing, and much is exaggerated, that it is only a distorted picture and no insight.
  17. I do not care about this kind of Information and will not investigate the girls over the Internet. RLC has made it its business to give a view into the private life of its residents. The life of the Girls in this apatments should be realistic and really allow this view. Irma was just one example of how RLC has lost its way.
  18. Irma, of all the girls. In sum she has been a GOV resident for over a year but we know nothing about her private life. So many bullshit shows. It's a good thing Gina didn't had something with this guy if she didn't want to. The sad Thing is that it is also clear that the basic attitude of RLC iand most Girls in GOV is to make this Apartments look like something without it really being something going on. All these shows destroy the realism.
  19. One should have no illusions about RLC. Without money, nothing would happen in any of these apartments. However, I don't see any problem with that either. The question is not whether money flows, but what for. Is it about to motivate the residents and guests to give a glimpse into their lives or just to create even more of this silly barcelona shows? Considering how few visitors the GOV apartments had even before Covid-19, I think this could be a step in the right direction.
  20. Well, better late than never. After all, you've realized it now and so you are much ahead of many people here who are taken for fools by these two girls. These two are obviously not into girls. They are show robots intended to fool people into believing that something could happen. That is what RLC has become by now. A facade without any real content. It's a real pity, but unfortunately the sad truth.
  21. That would be something, but certainly not in this small apartment. Maybe RLC could get this four and Dasha and Sasha in B4. 😁
  22. In this Forum, I guess, some still think the girls are now on their way to pray in the church. 🙃
  23. Did you had a bad day? What did Marat do to you to make you insult him?
  24. In the kitchen? RLC pays these girls now to use the main food preparation room as a toilet?
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