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Posts posted by sturmchaser

  1. I think Masha is okay now.  She probably had a "moment" after seeing Kira receive her gifts yesterday, and that Alex never gets her anything - no chocolates, no flowers, not even a stuffed animal.  And she was feeling very sad.  Nina arrives - still in her bathrobe - and calms and comforts her.  She proceeds to pull a container of ice cream out and instructs Masha to eat the whole thing, and she will feel better.  While she didn't eat the ice cream, she fixed tea instead.  Then she puts on her parka and exits, stage left (well, stage right).  Meanwhile Kira comes down to investigate, pours herself a glass of something.  Masha returns and to the bedroom.  Alex, meanwhile, completely clueless to what has just transpired.  Eventually, Kira is done and exhausted.  I hope Nina and Kira give Alex a good talking to about how to treat your woman right!  

    Nina the empath.  Among her flaws, Empathy is one of her many many talents.  She should consider being a nurse instead of a tattoo artist.  💗 








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  2. 16 hours ago, disneykid said:

    Rename sugar duck and now with KIRAs dog they could be called  Doom and Gloom(ha ha) 

    hows that Sturm/😀

    No, that won't work.  Sugar Duck is Sugar Duck, a real and permanent entity in Russian cartoons, one that Nina loves, and will always be Sugar Duck.  Work on your Doom and Gloom - realize that every time Nina or Kira make a frowny face 🙁 doesn't mean they are arguing or going into divorce mode, yet that's what you immediately jump to.  Nobody anywhere around the globe can be all smiles and rainbows and unicorns every day of the year.  They have RBFs.  They have minor disagreements.  Just like every healthy relationship should.  They have outside influences that we don't know about that cause them concern.  It's natural.  Sure it's concerning when they have arguments, but so do Masha and Lex. What we witness is natural interaction between devoted loving couples.  They work it out.  It's never the end of the world.  So yeah, work on your Doom and Gloom, Kid  Be POSITIVE!  😉  

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  3. 38 minutes ago, Jawis said:

    Maybe she lived in Japan before😁. They still sleep on the ground or a hard bed. 

    I swear I see a little Asian influence in her, especially her eyes.  But I've been corrected before by others that Russians can have a lot of Asian influence in them, so whatever.  But I swear, Rejolda and Masha, from Masha & Lex fame, look nearly identical, they could be sisters.  

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