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Posts posted by sturmchaser

  1. 2 minutes ago, Robwin said:

    Because they have fireplaces in many rooms. Older houses often had them in the bedrooms as well and other rooms downstairs. Central heating not around then so heating was soley from fire places 🔥

    Same in America, older houses needed fireplaces in each, it was the only way to keep warm or even cook food in iron pots or skillets.  It is seen as "romantic" nowadays, but back then it was essential (and grueling).  My father still believed in this, and that's where I earned my biceps and forearms, from splitting and stacking firewood with an axe and maul.  Ahhh the good old days.  


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  2. Sorry gang, didn't mean for this to turn into a tit-for-tat.  I'm just describing the way it is in America vs what is there across the oceans.  It's bizarre to us.  Think of it this way - the opposite.  If any of YOU came to visit ME for a few days, you would wonder why there is a bathroom attached to your bedroom.  Ummm, well, because that's the way it is here.  Conversely, put yourselves in my shoes.  If I were to visit any of YOU for a few days, I would ask "where the hell is my bathroom?" and you would say 'down the hall, to the left" or whatever.  I would be flabbergasted, but I could adjust.  So, it's just a cultural thing.  Nothing to argue about 😊 

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  3. 1 hour ago, Someone there said:

    Damage control? ...

    haha nope - playing POOL!  Or 'billiards' if you are so inclined.  Oh my gosh all of these girls SUCK!  From a poor break from the squirrel girl, everything went downhill from there.  Kira whiffed so many shots I lost count!  Plus it seemed like there were two cue balls in play at the same time.  Nobody ever chalked their sticks, none of them called the shot, none of them even eyeballed it properly, very poor shooting form, and their one single game lasted over an hour!!  Even when Lex took over, he couldn't sink shit.  It was completely pathetic, and I was crying.  I don't know what rules they were playing by, but it ain't how we play in 'Murica!  I think the girls need a personal pool trainer to teach them a thing or two, someone who has hustled a table or three in a bar or truck stop in the past.  Gee I wonder who could qualify?  🤠 


    • Haha 6
  4. 5 hours ago, disneykid said:

    I don’t remember them having trouble with B&S before ,maybe it’s Sandras cat?

    B&S have never - to my knowledge - caused any scratching damage before.  The giant cat tree is next to Kira's work desk, and they have various other smaller scratching posts throughout the house they use when needed.  Bandit's claws - while sharp - are not yet large enough to cause the type of damage we can see on the sofa and both chairs.  So that leaves one remaining suspect - Smokey.  He's probably not as well trained, and/or he's completely stressed, since he's been through 3 moves in the span of a year.  If that furniture came with the house, oy vey it's gonna cost a pretty ruble to get them reupholstered or replaced.  😮  p.s. I thought S&D were packing to move out??

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  5. 5 hours ago, Rhdem said:

    the same in italy but the new houses are also built with a bathroom in the bedroom or adjacent, usually used in houses of people with "much money"  😆, one bedroom... one bathroom, 3 bedrooms... 3 bathrooms 😅

    Holy cow, that must be the reason - I must have "much money"!!!  I had no idea!  LOL!  Sorry everybody, but it must be a USA thing then.  I have four bedrooms, and each one has their own private full bathroom.  I also have two other full stand-alone bathrooms - one on the main floor, one in the basement - and a half-bathroom (sink and crapper) right inside the main entrance (for those emergencies).  My garage and workshop also have a full bath, except only a stand-up shower.  Hell even my dinky 3 room college apartment 30 years ago had the bathroom connected to the bedroom.  I guess if I ever went overseas, there would be some cultural adjustment taking place LOL.  Oh well, what can I say, the concept is foreign to me (and since we're talking Euro and Russia, I guess it is foreign!).  😄

    • Haha 1
  6. I love the simplistic, "retro" look of Reggie's apartment, especially the kitchen.  Distressed green cabinets, a late 60s style refrigerator, two-burner stove, and curtain-covered shelves.  It's quite quaint, and yet modern enough for the 21st century.  It's perfect for a single vegan girl.  She seems quite happy there.  I'll just never understand the separation of the bedroom and bathroom in Russian apartments.    


  7. Interesting development.  From what I could tell, Miss Krabs has been MIA for about 24 hours, but Theo has entertained his apparent good buddy twice - and now tonight they are sleeping together in the same bed.  Granted, there is no place else to sleep in this apt, as they have no couch, but very curious.  Where is Miss Krabs?  She is not at Reggie's, because Reggie is MIA also.  So hmmmm.... 🤔


  8. 7 minutes ago, jabbath1987 said:

    No child seats available? 😁

    Nope, no need for kiddie car seats in RJ (interestingly though, they do exist specifically for semis - see below).  Although Fred does have a blanket and doggy bed on the passenger seat.  I want my navigator to be comfortable, after all.  😉 


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  9. 36 minutes ago, Chipper said:

    Thank you, after I read this later I was afraid I was going to get someone with their panties in a wad complaining that I called Nina a duck.

    Haha no need to worry friend, unless someone is an absolute newbie who signed on yesterday, everyone on this forum should be well aware that Nina is the Queen of Ducks and Kira is the Queen of Cats.  If they don't, well, they are just not paying attention.  😉  

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  10. 49 minutes ago, Chipper said:

    Not in the eyes of dear old uncle Vlad.  You can marry a duck, that doesn't mean the duck can make decisions for you.  That's about what the Russian goverment thinks about same sex marriage.

    Exactly.  That is why in the previous apt, when the landlady came to collect the rent, not only did they have to hide Breakfast and Lunch in the bedroom closet, but they also scrambled to take down all of the pictures showing them together as a "couple" and put on the facade of "friends" or "sisters" or "cousins."  So very sad.  

    Also appreciate your use of duck in this analogy.  Very astute  😉  

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  11. 7 minutes ago, O_U812 said:

    Poor thing.  She can't sleep.  Is she neurotic or just hyper?  Dancing and singing in the kitchen at 2 AM.

    No, actually this is normal behavior for her sometimes.  These young Russians, they can stay up till all hours of the early morning.  Which is great for me, since I'm on the east coast and can't log in until 6 pm or so my time.  

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  12. I don't know what Miss Krabs fixed for her dinner, but she has either hot sauce or sriracha on the table, which is a big plus in my book!  Also, Reggie is fastidious in cleaning the caps of her sauce bottles - another excellent attribute to have.  My ex would screw the caps on sauce bottles without wiping them off first, which leaves a nasty crusty film on it the next time you open it.  Ugh!  



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