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Everything posted by chuck206
Martina & Alberto - 2023 #7
chuck206 replied to Noldus's topic in Jade & Alberto (04/15/17 - 03/01/25)
Thank you for the clarification. -
Martina & Alberto - 2023 #7
chuck206 replied to Noldus's topic in Jade & Alberto (04/15/17 - 03/01/25)
one tells Martina what to do I pay no serious attention to that. Just something posted on the forum. A statement uttered under what context? An argument? I think we all have a streak of independence and defiance in us. fuck Nelly while Alberto played video games whose value system are you using? Mine says it's wrong. BUT .... Martina and Alberto play by a different set of rules. After the sex, with Nelly asleep, Martina went to Alberto (in front of the TV, playing video games). Alberto had a big grin on his face, they talked, and they were both in a good mood and laughing. Her basic attitude toward Alberto when? You mean the last 4 years or longer? When Martina would jump into Alberto's arms and kiss? When they would cuddle on the sofa ..... which usually lead to a BJ or sex? Or the many times they attacked one another in the kitchen? If your talking about the last 6 months, I think Martina has been clear on their relationship .... it's ending. No more sex play. some have observed, she doesn't make an effort toward him either 3 observations of the same event ..... 3 different conclusions. As no one understands the language, we really don't know if this observation is true. How many times has Martina asked Alberto to join her for an outing? How many times has Alberto declined? Nothing but speculation. if Alberto tried to stop her, it wouldn't go well. I agree. When would it go well? If the girlfriend wanted to do X, and the boyfriend said no, would it go well? If the wife wanted to do X, and the husband said no, would it go well? Conflict is conflict. Somebody's feelings are going to get hurt. Normal. Alberto has been understanding of Martina's desires. Tolerant and accepting. That would have been something to see, if Alberto objected and laid down the law. 😲 how she treated Taco what does that have to do with being self centered? Taco hurt Martina and she swatted him. Molehill-Mountain. Martina has treated the dog very well over the years, one swat and now she is a horrible monster. I don't think so. Taco ate the leather couch....he lived! Taco has been hugged and cuddled. It was Martina who took the dogs for a walk at 3am, while Alberto slept on the couch, tired from a long day of video games. Taco sleeps on the couch, on the guest bed, and in the main bed with Martina or Alberto. Martina has taken Taco to B4 in the past, and to B7, where he plays with Nelly dog. Poor Taco .... he is so mistreated. Call Animal Control! -
Martina & Alberto - 2023 #7
chuck206 replied to Noldus's topic in Jade & Alberto (04/15/17 - 03/01/25)
🐟 🚾 or 🐟 🍚 🍴 however it goes .... 🍻 -
Martina & Alberto - 2023 #7
chuck206 replied to Noldus's topic in Jade & Alberto (04/15/17 - 03/01/25)
Je pense qu'il a été posté sur le forum qu'Alberto était en train d'acheter une maison. Il y a des retards dans la paperasse. Je penserais... Crédit ? Vérification des revenus ? Des difficultés financières antérieures ? (entreprise en faillite) -
Martina & Alberto - 2023 #7
chuck206 replied to Noldus's topic in Jade & Alberto (04/15/17 - 03/01/25)
????? self-centered? How so? I hope you are not drawing conclusions form the "brilliant minds" that post here. After rolling up your pants legs and wading thru the BS and Psycho-Babble, it comes down to a separation. That's all. Martina wants out, Alberto wants out, or they both want out. It's their decision to make. Big Picture: The "self centered" Martina "who thinks only of herself" has maintained a roommate arrangement with Alberto for six months. As break-ups go, this one is amicable, and uneventful. Over the last six months, Martina and Alberto have snuggled on the couch, had sex, showered together, and conversed. As time passes, less and less occurs. Martina is aware of Alberto's bank delays in purchasing of a house. Being sympathetic to his situation, Alberto is permitted to sleep at the apartment, on the couch or in the bed. Bad Martina, Bad Bad Martina. I don't know why this break-up / separation is taking anyone by surprise. For years, people on this forum have commented M+A are polar opposites. She's a party-er, he's a homebody. I can live with that, but ..... how often did they do stuff together. Go to dinner, walk the dog, spend the day at the beach, go out for a drink, go grab an ice cream cone. Anything! SEX ..... how many times has it been commented on the dysfunctional sex they have. Alberto pops his load, (usually all over the sheets), pulls up his shorts and exits the room. Martina, still in the doggy position, is looking around the room, thinking ... WTF? The relationship ...... how many opinions here on "what is it". Whatever it was, there was an open door for each to exit. -
Martina & Alberto - 2023 #7
chuck206 replied to Noldus's topic in Jade & Alberto (04/15/17 - 03/01/25)
"heartless monster" ...... I don't know. Apparently, you are not happy with the way Martina and Alberto are separating. From the posts, Martina and Alberto came to this conclusion back in February. Alberto has had six months to go accept, adjust, and prepare. Martina has not asked him to leave, kick his ass to the curb, throw his belongings over the balcony, or sell his toys on ebay. Are there problems, emotions, and stress .... sure, to be expected. Couples break-up, separate, it happens. Martina has the right to make this decision. Martina continues her involvement with her girlfriend. Her choice, it is none of Alberto's business. I keep reading about Martina's quest for freedom, no commitments to "partners" to hold her back. It would not surprise me, if her girlfriend is also on the exit platform in the near future. Curious .... What would your step by step instructions be to facilitate this separation, so as Martina is not a "heartless monster"? -
B5 General Topic 2023 #7 (August / September)
chuck206 replied to Noldus's topic in B#5 Kali, Paloma (06/11/19)
It will be like B6 .... Gina+Bruno ..... all the extended family will move in! -
B5 General Topic 2023 #7 (August / September)
chuck206 replied to Noldus's topic in B#5 Kali, Paloma (06/11/19)
Thank You ...... I needed that good laugh! 😁 -
OT RLC special offer .... 7 day trial .....$14.95 2 months ago it was 7 day trial .....$10.00. I feel so "special" 😒
B5 General Topic 2023 #7 (August / September)
chuck206 replied to Noldus's topic in B#5 Kali, Paloma (06/11/19)
WOW, 4 days and not one post. RLC you really can pick-um. 💤 💤 💤 💤 -
Earlier, there were people sleeping, people sitting on the couch, people sitting at a table, ..... 25 live cameras, many with people in them, and the 5 free cams were of empty rooms. Ya can't generate any interest by showing a kitchen table and chairs.
5 free cams ..... 5 empty kitchens ..... way to entice a perspective customer. Has anyone at the RLC mis-management team ever taken advertising 101?
Martina & Alberto - 2023 #7
chuck206 replied to Noldus's topic in Jade & Alberto (04/15/17 - 03/01/25)
Thank you, more info to think about. -
Martina & Alberto - 2023 #7
chuck206 replied to Noldus's topic in Jade & Alberto (04/15/17 - 03/01/25)
"full on relationships with feelings and real emotions" Not sure if this "relationship" with Martina's female friend has been defined yet. I don't know Martina's lever of involvement. Are there feelings and emotions between the two, or just convenient hook-ups for sex? Could be they get along together, enjoy each others company, hang out and talk ..... friends... with sex. "throw the shit in his face" How so? When Martina first met this girl she told Alberto all about it. Their affair continued for about 5 months, during this time Martina was still showing affection towards Alberto .... jumping in his arms, hugs + kisses, snuggling on the couch, showering together, and having sex. (lets not forget the New Years 4 sum frolic) A month after the frolic, February, having observed Martina in deep thought a few times, A Change Occurred! What prompted the change .... unknown. What is the involvement of the girlfriend .... unknown. The girlfriend may have nothing to do with the M+A troubles. "throw the shit in his face" It's not like Martina paraded the girlfriend around in front of Alberto. Except for the girlfriends appearance at the birthday party, she has avoided the apartment. For the last 6 months, Martina has been seeing this girl, sometimes overnight, once a week, on occasion two. The rest of the time she has been at the apartment with Alberto. I see no abuse, mistreatment, spitefulness, petty arguments, or nastiness toward Alberto. As couple break-ups go, this one has been quiet .... for now. -
I'd like to see the return of the redhead that Taylor had a visit from a few times. We know she is into girls. Maybe she could get more action than the current guys. Invite a few of her friends to B4, swim, sun, and consume great quantities of alcohol.
Martina & Alberto - 2023 #6
chuck206 replied to Noldus's topic in Jade & Alberto (04/15/17 - 03/01/25)
What is with this Bad Bad Martina, Bad person. Poor Alberto, Abused Alberto, Badly treated Alberto. As it was explained, last Feburary, Martina+Alberto decided to separate. Why?, I don't know. Could be Martina is at a point in her life that she is looking for a change. Completing her tourism training ..... now what? Continue her training at a higher level? Local? Another town? No more RLC apartment in Barcelona? Leave RLC? Does Martina have a worry..... will her "exposure" on the internet have an effect on current and future employment? What about Alberto ...... What-about-Alberto! For whatever reasons, Martina, going forward, has decided to go it alone. No more boyfriend-girlfriend, friends-with-benefits, .... whatever their relationship was. Couples come together, Couples break apart .... it happens. It is their decision to make and I'm not going to place blame. From what I have observed, Alberto accepted this " break-up " in a quiet demeanor. No screaming, fighting, throwing things. He realizes his time on RLC with Martina is coming to an end. In preparation for this, he bought a house, miles away from Barcelona. I don't know about the Bad-Bad Martina. She didn't insist he leave the apartment. She didn't through his belongings over the balcony .... like a mad woman. Over the past few months, Martina and Alberto continued to live together .... as roommates. They slept together for a while and a couple of times had sex. As time passes, less and less of each. From the explanation provided (emnv), Martina understands Alberto's difficulties with the bank/house purchase ..... the apartment remains available to him. It was also explained, Martina doesn't intend to cut Alberto out of her life. Remain friends. Poor Alberto. Alberto has been on easy street for a long time. Rent free apartment provided and a paycheck. Living with his best friend, someone who he can be comfortable with, talk to, and have sex with. Even when he suffered a bad business venture, he had the RLC apartment, paycheck, and Martina to rely on. This support provide him with the opportunity to sit on his butt and play computer games ..... what a tough work day. ( I do give him credit for meal preparation and home chores) I never did define their relationship. I may be old school, but Alberto never put a ring on Martina's finger. I guess the door was always open for each to walk away. Alberto was fully aware. As separations / break-up go, this one has gone smoothly. ( so far) I would expect good days, bad, emotions, brooding, curt comments, and sour behavior. Happens. -
Why? Does Vencel want to have sex with her? Is her vibrator broken?
Comments/Quotes for Pic & Vids Placed Here (2023) B5
chuck206 replied to Noldus's topic in B#5 Kali, Paloma (06/11/19)
Gabrielle's ass ..... it fills the picture! 👀 😲 -
B7 - General Topic 2023 #25 (August / September)
chuck206 replied to Noldus's topic in B#7 Hawk, Bart, Evelyn (05/11/22)
The " master " gonna be a papa? -
Martina & Alberto - 2023 #6
chuck206 replied to Noldus's topic in Jade & Alberto (04/15/17 - 03/01/25)
Thank you ..... yes ... the New Years Eva 4 sum friend. -
I didn't ...... and I still don't. 😝
Martina & Alberto - 2023 #6
chuck206 replied to Noldus's topic in Jade & Alberto (04/15/17 - 03/01/25)
Really! no comments with guests in the apartment. Looks like Candela with a boyfriend in tow. Have not seen her for a year. -
Thanks Moos ☺️