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Everything posted by Mutt496

  1. Ok...when Ulyana left the project. But she was heavy into powder at the end of her stay in B2. If you notice now during the parties when the drugs start flowing, Ulyana retreats to her bedroom. Sorry I don't like watching these girls mess up their lives.
  2. Hey RLC...you've been using and abusing Radi long enough. When Ulyana had her drug problems, you removed her from the project, she got help and now is back better than ever. Its time you did the same for Radi. I didn't sign up to watch a beautiful girl take the downward spiral. At least pretend you care about your tenants!
  3. I don't know when you're talking about...I'm talking about 21:08 time frame. I don't think your magnifier can see through her back. Anyway...enough.
  4. Yes...when she was standing talking to Cecilia...but when she was sitting facing the wardrobe before that she was snorting.
  5. Yes she did. Keeps her stash in the night stand left of the mirror. She used to do it just for parties and performing at B5. Unfortunately it's getting to be more and more often.
  6. RLC has scripted these shows since B5 started. Always the B5 couple in the center of the debauchery. The onlookers can only grope, do oral, or use toys while the couple has penetration. It will always be like this if you silly people keep watching this bullshit.
  7. Anytime HFB. Because the post of them being semi-comatose was very accurate.
  8. Basically everyone except for Lorraine and Fior.
  9. Ok...so why do these girls follow the script of Fior groping 2 girls at all the parties? They are nice parties until that creeper turns them ugly.
  10. You know it's a sinking ship when the whole day of posts on B#4 is about the listing of apartments.
  11. Impressed?!?! I think it's sad that she's gone mainstream! I have to find someone else to watch...unfortunately there's not much to choose from.
  12. Radi looks like Milena and Monica dancing on the jacuzzi. I liked her better when she was reserved!
  13. Voyeurism is when the girls don't know there's cameras....this is exhibitionism!
  14. Gina dildoed Lia and then Mia dildoed Gina. He is correct.
  15. I don't watch cocks and hairy asses. Radi makes sure her massage shows are in full lighting and the girls legs are spread open. Radi is my hero!!
  16. I'm starting to think that if RLC shut down B#2 and Kitty/Smith 's apt. nobody would realize it for a week.
  17. That much I know, but Lola is doing the shoot with Mila.
  18. I didn't know it was that easy...Lola fucked a photographer and now she is one?
  19. No, but the first time with these three. He said the last group were snobs.
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